Friday, November 29, 2019

Eng. 11 - Nov. 29

Complete opening 4 questions and I i, I ii questions

Go over your parts

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Eng. 12 - Due Dates

F. 29- Discuss III

M.2 - Acting IV/V
T. 3 - Discuss IV/V
W. 4 -
Th. 5- Soliloquies
Fr. 6 - Movie

Mon. 9 - Scenes
Tues. 10 - Final Discussion IV/V
Wed. 11 - Movie #2
Thurs. 12 - Fishbowl
Fr. 13 - Essay

Mon. 16 - Quote Test

Monday, November 25, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 25

Go over your parts for III

Make sure you understand II iii

Eng. 9 - Nov. 15

Make sure your theme sheets are completed.

Ch. 26-end of novel QQ

Wed. 27 - Diary Test
Thurs. 28 - 3 paragraphs: "My Struggle"

Friday, November 22, 2019

Lit Vocab!

Bryn reigns supreme in his fourth block Philosophy class

The other 4 "winners"

Eng.9 - Nov. 22

Writing Assignment - due Thursday, NOv. 28

Three paragraphs - introduce, middle, end. Must be from your own life.

1. A time you or someone you know overcame adversity.

2. A time you helped someone with something they were struggling with.

3. A disappointment.

4. A problem in your family.

5. A time you witnessed bullying. (Why do people bully? What makes them stop?)

Be sure to look over your writing improvements, class notes, and editing checklist

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Society, Hope, Power - Eng. 11

Bring a sheet (double sided) with quotes - NO NOTES - make sure you have page numbers

Purpose of an essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."

Strategies - could focus on how characters show theme, or how symbols show (or both)


- Patients - ashamed of people going to the hospital
- The asylum seems to be a way to keep people who are different away from mainstreams society
- "society says who is sane and who isn't"
- Example - Harding made to feel different and ashamed ["great forefinger of society"]
- Nurse Ratched tries to appeal to the rules of the institution - symbolizes society
- Patients don't care what society thinks in the end
- "Maybe there's something bigger making this mess" - the Nurse is not the problem - it's society as a whole
- What does the fishing trip symbolize about society?
- Ward is a microcosm of society
- Green jumpsuits represent conformity (movie doesn't do this)
- Big Nurse and attendants represent the Combine
- What is the Combine? - like cookie cutter - must fit in or must go away
- Would people care if McMurphy were in jail or asylum - idea that we're keeping people away from mainstream society (we generally put our mentally ill people in jail - concomitant disorders - addiction - crime)
- Who would be fine in our society? - Billy Bibbit, Harding
- Mack would probably be in jail in our society
- Mack and Big Nurse represent different parts of society
- Mack - freedom, spontaneity, rebellion
- BN - control, routine, conformity
- Schedule - would we change their schedule
- Today we treat mentally ill people much differently - we have different medication, better therapy [we still have EST, but we know what we're doing - much more specific]
- Combine - power, authority, conformity
- Society represses people who are different
- "machinery" - Chief feels everyone needs to be efficient -
- How do we know what society wants? [laws, doctors, government - people who have power]
- Social norms - change - we see that we now view gay people, First Nations people, black people, mentally ill, neuro-untypical people differently
- Chief being deaf-mute (and his trauma)


- hope and volition - connected - individualism - having self-power - see how Mack is strong - has hope and gives others more hope
-Chief is able to escape after Mack helps him
-how much do the patients trust Mack? - even after they know he takes their money - they still trust him - they feel a sense of INCLUSION
-does the Nurse affect the patients' hope
- Mack's motivation for taking men on fishing trip - to have fun - but this helps the men feel free and like men and real people - they feel like they are part of society - remind them there's an outside world that they can fit into if they have courage - also stand up to Big Nurse - the men take ownership at the gas station - Harding says "I never knew mental illness could have such power" - mentally ill people are people too
- One moment that gives everyone hope? - Mack becomes a martyr when he breaks the glass after Cheswick's death
- [picking up the control panel: "at least I tried, godamnit, at least I did that" - literally - lifting the CONTROL panel - then Chief actually escapes this way]
- Fog is the opposite of hope
- Nurse Ratched limits patients' hope [does she want to "cure" them?]
- Symbols for hope - look at Chief's improvements - seeing the dog out the window, lifting his hand to vote, killing Mack, lifting the control panel, talking
- Voting
- "they're still sick men in lots of ways, but at least they're men" - Harding - they can become part of society because they are no longer rabbits
- How does Mack's death affect the patients - it causes several of them to leave - he gives them hope
- Does Mack ever think Chief is deaf?
- Could focus on Mack
- Why does Mack stay in the hospital despite opportunities to leave - he wants to help the patients - feels responsible, attachment
- Easier to gain hope over oneself
- People with mental illness need hope in order to gain mental health

- Symbols - control panel, rabbits and wolves, cigarettes, the Combine
- "the rabbits accept their role and recognize the wolves are strong"
- Mack punches the glass - gets the cigarettes which indicate power
- When Nurse takes away the cigarettes - the patients feel less like people with volition
- Nurse's power is the establishment
- Mack - rebellions' power - friends, actions
- Nurse gains power with words
- Nurse's power is more efficient - instills fear - brings up the past, threatens
- Mack inspires Chief to break out and gain his voice and volition
- Mack is supportive
- Mack helps the patients more
- [what does it say that Mack is dead in the end]
- Nurse's power is that of society
- Mack's power is individual power
- Chief being deaf-mute - shows the lack of power Indigenous people have had historically in our society - silenced
- Mentally ill people have been silenced throughout history - powerless
- Being silent and mute is Chief's way of controlling what he hears and says - he is able to hear everything without people taking him into consideration
- Are the characters powerful or powerless?
- Mack helps the patients feel powerful [think of his handshake] - he isn't in charge of them -
- [Cheswick also dies]
- What would happen if the Nurse were a man [probably a lot less rebellion - it would seem less terrible - they don't like the black attendants either - anyone with control over them is threatening]
- Could a woman have the same kind of power as Mack? [think of the way he charms the doctor]
- How does power shift between people [think of this generally - in the world - how does politics work - how are leaders elected and how do they maintain power? How do rebellions usually work? Think of the Civil Rights movement - Malcolm X vs. Martin Luther King jr.]
- Dr. Spivey also has very little power according to Harding - affected by the Nurse's manipulations
- She uses her manipulations on the doctor as well
- When Mack says "you fooled them all" - shows Chief's power
- Patients show some form of rising volition - cigarettes, Monopoly game and fishing trip (free will and volition)
- Most do have the power to leave if they want to - voluntary

Eng. 9 - Nov. 21

Vocab - 30
Booktalks - Khush, Allie, Dylan, Emelia, Ry

Finish Reading the novel for Monday, 25
QQ 21-25: Mon. 25
QQ 26-end: Tues. 26

Diary Test: Wed. 27
Writing Assignment: Thurs. 28

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 19

Make sure I i, ii, iii are well done!

Eng. 9 - Nov. 19

Fill out your character sheet: adjectives, purpose in novel, quotes

Rowdy, Junior, Mary, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Roger, Gordy, Penelope

QQ for Ch. 17-20: Thurs. 21

Comic Strip: Thurs. 21

Monday, November 18, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 18

Complete your editing.

Make sure scene notes are completed for Othello I i, ii

Eng. 9 - Nov. 18

QQ 13- 16: T. 19

6 panel strip: Th. 21

Fill out character and theme charts

Friday, November 15, 2019

Eng. 11 - Nov. 15

Mon. 18 - Final Discussion
Tues. 19 - Movie
Wed. 20 - Movie
Thurs. 21 - Fishbowl
Fri. 22 - Essay

Tues. 26 - Test
Thurs.28 - Study for Vocab
Fri. 29 - Vocab Test

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 14

Complete Scene Notes for I i and I ii for Othello

Vocab Fest: Nov. 15

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lit. 12 - Nov. 12 - P&P Dates

Please bring $8 for Macbeth: Meena, David, Kamryn, Sarah

Tues. Nov. 12 - Start P&P 

Mon. Nov. 18 - Part I, 1-12
Fri. Nov. 22 - Vocab Fest #1

Tues. 26 - Part I, 13-23
Thurs. 28 - movie #1 - Quinn M, Lea, Suk, Amber

Mon. Dec. 2 - II 1-11
Wed. Dec. 4 - movie #2 - TP, John, James, Hellemond
Fri. Dec. 6 - Characters

Tues. Dec. 10 - II 12 - 19
Thurs. Dec. 12 - movie #3 - Madison, Emma, Jordan

Mon. Dec. 16 - III 1-10
Wed. Dec. 18 - Characters #2
Fri. Dec. 20 - Xmas Party

Mon. Jan. 6 - movie #4 - Meena, Sarah, Kamryn, Lachlan
Wed. Jan. 8 - III 11-19
Fri. Jan. 10 - movie #5, 6 - Clelia, Ghazal, Jacqueline, Lexie

Tues. Jan. 14 - #6 + discussion - Bryn, David, Ali, Brandon
Thurs. Jan. 16 - fishbowl

Mon. Jan. 20 - essay
Mon. Jan. 27 - Project
Fri. Jan. 31 - Vocab festival #2

Eng. 9 - Nov. 12

Ch. 9-12 QQ for Thurs. 14

Vocab Test: Fri. 15

Friday, November 8, 2019

Eng. 9 - Nov. 8

Complete Chapters 5-8 questions and quotes - this time answer both your questions and your quotes.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Eng. 11 - Nov. 7

For Fri. 8 - 40 Vocab words
Book Talks - Callum, Devin,

Have your quotes for your character for Tues. (Library Day)

Novel Read by Tues. 12

All questions due for Wed.13

Tues. 12 - Library/Work day
Wed. 13 - Big Discussion
Thurs. 14 - Presentation
Fri. 15 - Final Discussion/Fishbowl Topics

Mon. 18 - Movie
Tues. 19 - Movie
Wed. 20 - Fishbowl
Thurs. 21 - Essay
Fri. 22 - Test

Eng. 9 - Nov. 7

For every chapter of Diary, create your own question and answer it, and quote a significant excerpt and answer it.

Fill out character and theme squares as you go - adjectives, quotes page numbers...

Vocab: 25 words for Fri. Nov. 8

Vocab Test: Fri. Nov. 15

Booktalks: Noah, Elliot, Lucas, Cale

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Eng. 12 - Fishbowl

Purpose of an essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."
Bring a page (double-sided) quotes
*can bring outside quotes - but no notes
Sexuality, politics, scientific progress
Could non-monogamous relationships become the norm one day in our society? [extension by Huxley]
Some disagreement - we would need conditioning to switch our thinking - but we are conditioned to want monogamous
We're conditioned to only love one person [we see lots of affairs] - some families do have polyamorous relationships
MORALITY - fluid?
Our conditioning vs. their conditioning (what does "The Lottery" show us)
Promiscuity - is this the future?
Casual sex is more common and more talked about [remember that during Huxley's lifetime there were not many alternatives for birth control - the pill not invented until the late '60's]
BNW removes art, science, knowledge in order to have stability [contentment]
Keep people happy - no religion, no love, few emotions
"that is the secret to happiness and virtue - liking what you've got to do" (page?)
How are we conditioned in our society - our etiquette
Are we products of society, or are we individuals [international students should be able to see the difference between Canadians and other countries]
We are influenced by the people around us
[The Devil Wears Prada - example of what colour blue is in this season]
We have learned to love democracies rather than monarchies - other people don't know they've been conditioned [North Korea]
Philosopher: "we are not our own masters"(204-205)
We have some form of independence - we conform somewhat, but we are also different
Who starts social customs? - organic and insidious - snowball effect or butterfly effect
Does social media condition us to think the same way?
Could we be 100% conditioned across the world? [can we all agree about climate change]
There will always be Bernards, there will always be rhinoceroses
If everyone's thinking the same way - would this be utopia? - everyone has their own place
Humans created in labs - devaluing families
Are we conditioned to think viviparous births are normal [30 years ago people thought in-vitro fertilization was mad scientists behaviour]
Think about the scientific progress made in the last 30 years (your parents' lifetime)
Religion - growing up religious or choosing religion - are people being conditioned?
Truth, Beauty and Happiness
-hypnopaedia - World Controller - chooses what people believe - eg. Shocks when touching flowers
-Instagram for example - shows pictures that seem attractive
-we want to follow people who we look up to
BNW - knowledge - the World Controllers don't want the rest of the people to have - they think that knowledge and happiness don’t go together
Is this true in our world - are smart people more unhappy in our world?
Oscar Wilde quote:
"The ugly and stupid have the best of it in this world. They can sit at their ease and gape at the play. If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat. They live as we all should live-- undisturbed, indifferent, and without disquiet. They never bring ruin upon others, nor ever receive it from alien hands. Your rank and wealth, Henry; my brains, such as they are-- my art, whatever it may be worth; Dorian Gray's good looks-- we shall all suffer for what the gods have given us, suffer terribly.”

- Epsilons and Deltas are happy - even Lenina (as a Beta) is happy - are the Alphas happy?
- Having different emotions - such as sadness brings more depth to happiness
- Knowledge will lead people to death in BNW
- [notice how when a new entity enters - John & Linda - the whole order is upset - kids in the hospital, whole society, Lenina and her friends
- World Controller know the whole world isn't really happy
- Taught what to think rather than how to think - would it be bad to get rid of this
- New governments are elected - new curriculum [eg. BC wants to follow Finland - who win the PISA education rating all of the time - change away from exams to more experiential and project-based learning]
- China - restricts knowledge - internet usage [can't send emails without them being read - can't play music without getting restricted]
- History is not taught in BNW [we are being told content is no longer key in History classes]
- Patterns occur in human behaviour - not learned about in BNW
- BNW citizens do not have freedom or even understand it
- Soma vs. happiness - (what's the closest thing we have to it? - has legalization of marijuana had an effect? - are kids smoking more or less since the legalization?)
- Our world is based on emotion - there would be a great decline
- Some people would refuse to take Soma

Stable Society/Utopia_

- Could we live in a utopia?
- Most people thought one thing would change everything else
- Whatever makes us happy will always have a down side [for example, almost every medication has side effects]
- One person (at least) will be an outlier
- Eg. 1984 - one person
- Bernard + other rhinoceroses were sent to an island
- Pigs are hermetically sealed off from the world
- In the utopia - everything's perfect until one little thing goes wrong and it effects everyone
- "everyone belongs to everyone"
- "identity, stability, community" - group think - people are conditioned to like it [look at everything Lenina says]
- All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny."(12)
- We are not stable in our world - in BNW - that's the goal - not to progress
- We are programmed to never be satisfied - also instant gratification is part of our culture
- "Well I'd rather be unhappy than have the sort of false happiness you are having here."(156)
- Great quote from Huxley - perfect world is people not understanding what they're missing - a prison with no walls
- No progress - taking Soma - Pleasantville - just two roads
- John - not conditioned - interesting to see his reaction
- Making a utopia = must make sacrifices - "Happiness is a hard master, especially other people's happiness" (200) - Mustapha Mond
- Who is willing to sacrifice
- Eg. Religion is gone, love, emotion, knowledge,
- Is the point of a utopia - to not have to sacrifice anything
- Ability to feel emotions and be human
- Eg. Feelies (very symbolic of our world - look, listen, feel)
- Aren't there quite a few people in our world who don't read/think? Say things like "I don't care about politics"
- "If one's different, one's bound to be lonely" (119)
BNW doesn't have a pursuit of happiness

Monday, November 4, 2019

Eng. 11 - Nov. 4 - New Dates

Tues. 5- 16-20
Wed. 6 - 21-25
Thurs. 7 -
Fri. 8 - Finish Novel

Tues. 12 - Library Day (Group Day)
Wed. 13 - Final Discussion
Thurs. 14 - Presentations
Fri. 15 - Movie

Mon. 18 - Movie
Tues. 19 - Fishbowl
Wed. 20 - Essay
Thurs. 21 - Test

Eng. 9 - Nov. 4

Bring your GoCards to class, please!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 1

Final Discussion: Mon. 4 (have all QQ completed)

Tues. 5 - Movie #1
Thurs. 7 - Movie #2
Fri. 8 - ESSAY

Tues. 12 - PROJECT DAY!

Eng. 11 - Nov. 1

Complete all QQ + text questions for Ch. 10-12 for Monday, Nov. 4

Library Research Day: Tues. Nov. 12 *** (finish reading novel!)