Tuesday, December 18, 2018

How to Prepare for the Quote Test

List the CHARACTERS - come up with some adjectives for each - try to find a good quote for each - explicate - test your friend with quotes

STRUCTURE: Find a quote for each of the five points of Freytag's Pyramid - what would you say about each - extend through play - test your friend (brainstorm) - read over your handout

THEMES: Make a list of themes that were not part of your fishbowl. Brainstorm what you would say about them. Find essential quotes exhibiting your themes - test your friend

Review your homework and notes

You will be doing a close reading of each quote - making a general statement (topic sentence) then proving (with quotes from the excerpt) then extending your argument through the play - like a tiny keyhole essay.

HAMLET: Action vs. Inaction, Appearance vs. Reality, Betrayal vs. Loyalty

Goal of literary essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."

Advice: look at class notes and your own improvements
-see if you can come up with a topic which fits all three topics
-extend your ideas to show how it connects to our world today

Action vs. Inaction

-Fortinbras and Hamlet are contrasted (character foils) - "what is a man" (IV iv) soliloquy
- Fortinbras is a man of action [so is Laertes]
- Fortinbras "sharks up a list of resolutes" in Act I - it is reported by Horatio
- Hamlet is an intellectual
- [what do we value as a society? Political parties?]
- Gertrude
- [do nothing principle - when Hamlet does finally take action III iv - how does it work out?]
- Ophelia - passive in her actions? - she's a woman, has less status than Hamlet [interesting that the water/drowning death is seen as the water drowning her - look at gravediggers' scene]
- Claudius - beginning keeps Hamlet around to observe - maybe he doesn't want to kill him - assess the danger
- Hamlet becomes a killer and then he is dangerous - hence why Claudius then wants him put to death
- He ends up being rash when he stabs through a curtain - before that he was thinking (over-thinking?)
- [good to compare to Macbeth]
- Hamlet's soliloquies reveal his morality - he also does not kill Claudius when he thinks he's praying because "he killed my father full of bread" (III iii 80-82)
- Makes up excuses - are these reasonable, or is it procrastination
- [is there a system of law in place?]
- Belief in Heaven and Hell is real and not questioned
- Revenge vs. morals vs. duty [what wins?]
- Gertrude and Hamlet - he threatens to kill her - is it really the ghost or his conscience? [how does actual madness play into this theme] -he's in a frenzy - has just killed someone has "[drunk] hot blood" - but ghost reminds him to speak daggers, though use none
- [what inspires Hamlet to action?]
- What leads to a better outcome, action or inaction - doesn't everyone who takes action die?
- Honorable (think of the soccer goalie who dives to one side) - action LOOKS better
- Laertes comes with a bunch of supporters to take down Denmark - avenge his father's death (but he is easily talked down)
- "Just Lather, That's All" - barber doesn't take action, Captain Torres does - best choice for individual [existential questions]
- [should Hamlet have killed Claudius right after the visit with the ghost?]
- [what other recourse does Hamlet have?]
- [what about our society?]
- [following one character - Ophelia, Gertrude]
- Ophelia is innocent - suicide is hasty [but she's insane - father killed by her ex-boyfriend, her "chaste treasure" was probably opened]
- Abby thinks her actions are planned and peaceful and made a decision
- [do-lally singing around the court]
- Paulo Cohelo - "waiting is painful, forgetting is painful, but not knowing what to do is the worst kind of suffering"

Appearance vs. Reality

-"an antic disposition" (I v 179-180) - this sets off the rising action
-Hamlet would act crazy for Polonius - but not really to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, yes in front of his mother and Ophelia (genuine)
-we question whether the ghost is telling the truth or not - we question whether or not the ghost is really there in III vi
-"fake it 'til you make it" - hard to tell whether Hamlet is faking it or not
-Hamlet sends R and G off to their deaths [ weird that Horatio knows this and then lies about it in V ii]
-what happens between Hamlet and Ophelia? (II i) She describes him as crazy - we don't know what really happened - rape? - does she lose her virginity?
-"forty thousand brothers could never love Ophelia as much as me" (V i)
-look at III i "get thee to a nunnery"
[would be interesting to focus on the appearance and reality of Hamlet and Ophelia's relationship]
- [what do we question in our lives?]
- [how much does spying have to do with this topic]
- [what about Polonius and Laertes' reality - thinking that Ophelia could not possibly marry Hamlet - but Gertrude says "I thought you would have been Hamlet's wife" (V i)
- Ophelia's role in society (the way women are seen)
- Ophelia's in the background - much going on under the surface [also Gertrude] - she's a product of her society - Hamlet is a PRINCE - she seems witty with her brother ("But, good my brother,/Do not, as some ungracious pastors do,/Show me the steep and thorny way to Heaven…) I iii 46-48
- Is there any evidence for Gertrude and Hamlet's inappropriate relationship III iv - she doesn't want to hear Hamlet's accusations - she acts out of self interest - "Have you forgot me?"
- III iv = good scene to think about this theme - is it Hamlet's madness that creates the ghost? Gertrude doesn't see it, and it's dressed differently
- IV v 135"But not by him" - Gertrude says when it's revealed that Polonius has been killed
- Gertrude's self-interest - chooses to marry Claudius - she could have stayed queen without him? Or perhaps Hamlet would have become king (that makes more sense when it comes to Gertrude's self-interest) - conveniently ignorant of Claudius' plans and actions
- Polonius = big snoop - also sets off Ophelia's madness and Laertes' revenge
- Are Hamlet's soliloquies private - don't Polonius and Claudius overhear the "get thee to a nunnery speech?" - therefore, wouldn't they have heard the "to be or not to be speech"
- "He that hath kill'd my king and whor'd my mother,/ Popp'd in between the election and my hopes" (V ii 64,65)
- Claudius praying and not repenting

Betrayal and Loyalty

-betrayal seems to lead to death in Shakespeare's plays
-eg. Hamlet sends R and G to death once he realizes they are spying on Claudius' behalf [they really have no choice in this matter]
-SELF INTEREST - "sponges" - like Gertrude - they change with the wind - they side with Claudius when they have to and Hamlet when he's there
- Causes conflict
- What are the priorities for loyalties (dead father?)
- V ii 58-59 "They are not near my conscience: their defeat/ Does by their own insinuation grow."
- When Hamlet doesn't kill Claudius (vengeance vs. morals) - he doesn't want to send Claudius to Heaven when his father was killed "full of bread"
- Ophelia betrays herself more than anything - [what kind of volition does she have?]
- Ophelia has loyalty to Polonius (does she betray Hamlet - she gives his letters - Hamlet reacts badly to this)
- Gertrude's loyalty -
- Does Hamlet deceive Gertrude? Does he just want to scare her in her bedroom (he is in a rage - we lash out at the people we love the most - ironically)
- His mother's betrayal ["frailty thy name is woman!"]
- "all marriages but one" III i
- Hamlet takes out his anger towards his mother on Ophelia
- Betrayal - leads to Ophelia's suicide - she's betrayed by Hamlet at the play! When he kills her father (in the end, he also kills her brother)
-Loyalty to religion?

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern quotes:

"We are actors. We are the opposite of people." Player King

"We need an audience." Player King

"Death is what we do best." Player King

"Whatever became of the moment when one first knew about death? There must have been one, a moment in childhood, when it first occurred to you that you don't go on forever. It must have been shattering - stamped into one's memory. And yet I can't remember it. It never occurred to me at all. We must be born with an intuition of mortality. Before we know that there are words, out we come, bloodied and squalling in the knowledge that for all the points of the compass there's only one direction and time is the only measure." - Rosencrantz

OTHELLO - Manipulation, Jealous, Betrayal vs. Loyalty

Goal of literary essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."

Advice: look at class notes and your own improvements
-see if you can come up with a topic which fits all three topics
-extend your ideas to show how it connects to our world today


- Why is it so important to Iago to manipulate?
- Proving something - masculinity - wants to be top of the chain
- Anger, jealousy about the promotion
- [power is addictive]
- [whom does he manipulate?]
- Revenge
- [what does this theme and the treatment of it say about our society?]
- Egotistical
- Does power bring Iago joy?
- Why does Iago manipulate? - he wants something to gain - show Othello - he does end up becoming lieutenant (when Cassio harms Montano)
- Angry at Othello - wants to destroy him - allies - the way to gain them is to manipulate
- Fueled by anger
- Wants to make Othello and Cassio miserable
- [where are the quotes?]
- How would this work in real life - easy to manipulate people - eg. Talk trash about someone that the other person has never met before [remember our role plays]
- [manipulates: Roderigo, Brabantio, Cassio, Emilia, Othello]
- Why does he manipulate Roderigo? - fun, gaining power, flexing muscles, making money
- Iago needs to know what people really want and people's insecurities
- [Othello says "he's rude of speech," he also says he's old - he worries that he won't be enough for Desdemona and Iago taps into this fear]
- Othello is trusting [reminds us of Duncan from Macbeth - nice people get taken advantage of - Duncan was betrayed by the old Thane of Cawdor, and then murdered]
- "the Moor is of a free and open nature" [I iii 306]
- Iago: "I hate the Moor… it's thought betwixt my sheets he has done my office" (I iii 429-433) [is it true that Iago believes this? Or is he just building his anger because it feels good somehow?
- [Human nature]
- Characteristics of Iago that make him successful: thinks on the spot, good with words (charismatic), knows human nature, smart, devious, morals? , understands people's weaknesses and motivations
- How does this topic work with structure? - Emilia stealing the handkerchief is the climax, adds suspense to the play - his manipulation is the play
- II iii 45-47 - Iago talks about Cassio: "If I can fasten but one cup upon him/With that which he hath drunk tonight already,/He'll be as full of quarrel and offense/ As my young mistress' dog"
- Look at Iago's inflammatory language - he says to Brabantio "an old black ram is tupping your white ewe" - this is like when politicians call people "tax payers," rather than " citizens"- one makes people feel selfish
- Iago's first words "'sblood" - worst Shakespearean swearword
- Emilia and Iago do not show any love towards one another - but still, she steals the handkerchief
- [does Iago show affection after she steals the handkerchief]


-who is more jealous - Othello or Iago?
- Iago makes Othello become jealous
- Iago is not a dynamic character, but Othello is - he becomes a "green eyed monster" - we do see him become more himself at the end
- Iago is entirely driven by jealousy
- We see Othello at the beginning being strong and confident - this is take away by careful and malicious manipulation [which one of us could withstand a conscious taking apart of our character?]
- Othello wants proof "ocular proof" - once he sees the handkerchief - he loses all reason and doesn't see Desdemona as she is
- Iago in his "virtue? A fig!" - he isn't rash, he does plan his actions - but he does not control his passions in that his entire life is run by anger and jealousy
- Othello kills his wife over jealousy [but Iago manipulates five people to show their worst - Brabantio dies over heartbreak - his daughter marrying without his consent]
- Circumstantial evidence kills many people
- Why doesn't Othello trust his wife if he loves her so much [there are many quotes in this play about love - look at what Emilia says to Desdemona in Act V]
- Othello's race does make him insecure "I am black and rude of speech"
- Iago slowly sets it up - did you see Cassio paddling Desdemona's hand?
- III iii 165-167 - "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy!/It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock/The meat it feeds on."
- All the animal imagery - shows the inhumane side of humans - the jealousy eats people up
- Othello does not believe Desdemona when she says she's not cheating on him - Othello doesn't trust in himself
- He trusts Iago as a military man and a friend and thinks he's honest
- Race - Iago thinks a black man is in charge and he overlooked him - there's many references to Othello's colour and the fact that he's a "Moor" [ the idea that already Othello shouldn't be in charge - and then he shows a lack of judgment]
- [it's important to compare the way the Duke sees Othello - total trust and admiration - this shows us how Iago is viewed by the people with the most power and status versus someone who is lower down - a weasel who gets no credit from anyone]
- How does this work in our life - WHAT IS THE PATHOLOGY OF JEALOUSY - who is jealous and what does it do - look it up
- Jealousy can consume people - one of the "basest" emotions - [the idea of "baseness" is mentioned throughout the play.]

Betrayal and Loyalty

-Which characters demonstrate true loyalty - Desdemona is true to Othello throughout [if you remember Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is actually loyal to Macbeth the whole way]
- [Desdemona also believes Othello is not jealous because she tries to help Cassio and isn't worried about appearances]
- Cassio is loyal
- Desdemona says "when I have spoken of you dispraisingly, he hath taken your part" (III iii 73) - speaking to Othello about Cassio
- Roderigo is loyal to Iago to the end - he tries to back out, but is unable to because Iago is too convincing
- Desdemona gives her life to Othello [and betrays her father - in Brabantio's eyes "Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:/She hath deceived her father, and may thee"(I iii 291-292)
- III iv 105-107 - Emilia is loyal to Desdemona for so long, but in the end chooses her husband - she doesn't fully realize that she betrays Desdemona until almost the end
- "my medicine keeps working" (IV i 45)
- [jealousy causes betrayal - who can remain loyal when someone is actively trying to dismantle loyalty?]
- [how do people prioritize loyalties?]
- [what types of loyalty are there in the play?]
- How are Desdemona and Iago opposing characters? Desdemona is always honest; Iago is called honest, but is not
- Desdemona is questioned, Iago is not
- [to what degree is the fact that Iago's a man cause the other men to trust him - compare how the men view Desdemona, Emilia, Bianca]
- Desdemona is shown to be honest (action)
- Iago is shown to be dishonest (action) - words make people believe he is honest

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Writing 12 - Dec. 13 Workbooks 70., 71, 72, 73, 74

A teen has been caught shoplifting. Write a dialogue between

a) Store detective and teen
b) Teen telling parents
c) Teen telling friends

3 scenes

30 minutes


71.Teen vs. Parent
l Parents buy teen a car
l Teen has an accident which is minor - he/she pays for damage from part-time job. Accident is his/her fault
l A few months later, he/she rear ends someone - damage is $1000. (rather than pay higher insurance)

Scene 1 - write the parents discussing the situation

Scene 2 - write the dialogue between parents and teen

25 minutes

72. Family Occasion

Write the conversation that could (or maybe already has) happen(ed) at an extended family gathering.

IDEAS: wedding
Holiday dinner

­ List your cast first
­ See if you can develop your characters quickly

-introducing a boy/girlfriend
-talking about death
-fighting over money problems
-graduation (absent or fighting parents)
-drunk relative advice
-violent card game
-wedding gossip

20 minutes


73. Two people start a company together from the ground up. It is successful for two years. After much consideration, one partner realizes he/she does 3/4 of the work for 1/2 the money. These two are friends as well as partners. This partner realizes that, in fact, the other person is incapable of pulling his or her weight.

Write the dialogue of this partner discussing this situation with the other.

What is the outcome?

20 minutes

74. Religion or Politics

Give brief cast of characters (4).

Have them discuss a contentious issue.

Develop the characters through their opinions and reactions.

20 minutes

"If you want to write, you have to be willing to be disturbed." - Kate Green

Friday, December 7, 2018

Writing 12 - Dec. 7

Overheard Conversation

Eng. 12 - Dec. 7

Complete your IV notes.

We will be acting out V on Monday, so please look over your parts. V notes are due on Wednesday.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Lit 12 - Dec. 6

Finish all of IV scene notes - full notes for Vv, Vvii, pick 3 choices for the shorter scenes.

Pay careful attention to CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT - Queen, King, Laertes, Ophelia, Hamlet

Consider the DRAMATIC STRUCTURE - how does IV set up the CONCLUSION?

Friday: we're finishing acting out the play!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Eng.12/Lit 12 - Dec. 3

Make sure III iv questions/scene notes are completed.

Warning: Group day - Wednesday you will have half the class for your SOLILOQUY assignments (groups of 3 or 4) and half the class for your SCENE assignments (any number of people)

SOLILOQUY - Tues. Dec. 11
SCENES - Mon. Dec. 17