Thursday, December 13, 2018

Writing 12 - Dec. 13 Workbooks 70., 71, 72, 73, 74

A teen has been caught shoplifting. Write a dialogue between

a) Store detective and teen
b) Teen telling parents
c) Teen telling friends

3 scenes

30 minutes


71.Teen vs. Parent
l Parents buy teen a car
l Teen has an accident which is minor - he/she pays for damage from part-time job. Accident is his/her fault
l A few months later, he/she rear ends someone - damage is $1000. (rather than pay higher insurance)

Scene 1 - write the parents discussing the situation

Scene 2 - write the dialogue between parents and teen

25 minutes

72. Family Occasion

Write the conversation that could (or maybe already has) happen(ed) at an extended family gathering.

IDEAS: wedding
Holiday dinner

­ List your cast first
­ See if you can develop your characters quickly

-introducing a boy/girlfriend
-talking about death
-fighting over money problems
-graduation (absent or fighting parents)
-drunk relative advice
-violent card game
-wedding gossip

20 minutes


73. Two people start a company together from the ground up. It is successful for two years. After much consideration, one partner realizes he/she does 3/4 of the work for 1/2 the money. These two are friends as well as partners. This partner realizes that, in fact, the other person is incapable of pulling his or her weight.

Write the dialogue of this partner discussing this situation with the other.

What is the outcome?

20 minutes

74. Religion or Politics

Give brief cast of characters (4).

Have them discuss a contentious issue.

Develop the characters through their opinions and reactions.

20 minutes

"If you want to write, you have to be willing to be disturbed." - Kate Green

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