Friday, December 20, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Eng. 9 - Dec. 18

Complete all questions for IV and V

AMSND Test: Wed. Jan. 8
AMSND Project: Thurs. Jan. 9

Final Exam: Tues. Jan. 21 - 12:50-2:55

Eng. 12 - Dec. 18

Read and take notes on the following poems:


2."Mending Wall"

3."When You Are Old"

4."Kindly Unhitch That Star"

5."Crowed Over"


2] 1."Love: A Study in Black and White"

2. "The Negro Speaks of Rivers"

3. "Bored"

4. "The Snowman"

5. "Sad Daughter"

3. Write 2 questions and answer them.
4. Write 2 quotes and analyze them.
5. Use your poetic devices sheet to try to identify as many different examples of devices as you can. Quote the examples and explain their use. Try to find an example for all the devices that are more challenging such as litote, metonymy, synecdoche…
6. Comment on what you like and do not like about the poems.
7. What is the overall meaning/impression of the poem?

Personal Essay Due: Friday, Jan. 10
Final Exam: Mon, Jan. 20 - 8:30-10:25 *

Character Notes #2 - Dec. 18

Caroline -
Adjectives: jealous, spiteful, envious, supercilious, vain, privileged, conceited, intimidated/intimidating, vigilant??
Sins: envy, greed, anger, lust, pride
Virtues: NONE, maybe love for Darcy but for bad reasons
Purpose: she represents upper class, foil for elizabeth, conflict towards elizabeth and darcy relationship
Quotes: "Convinced as Elizabeth now was, that Miss Bingley's dislike for her had orginated in jealousy, she could not help feeling how very unwelcome her appearance at Pemberly must be to her"
"How very ill Eliza Bennet looks this morning, Mr. Darcy," she cried; "I never in my life saW ANY ONE SO MUCH ALTERED AS SHE IS SINCE the winter. She is grown so brown and coarse! Louis and I were agreeing that we should not have known her again" pg.257

Adjectives:plain, impertenent, self confident, useless, inappropriate, disagreeable
Virtues: temperance
Purpose: opposite of a ideal woman of the time, comic relief
Quotes:''Mary wished to say something sensible, but knew not how"(7)
"she seldom listened to anybody for more than half a minute, and never attended to Mary at all"(21)

Lady Catherine
Adjectives: nosey, entitled, rude, old-fashioned, demanding, critical self-righteous
Sins: pride
Virtues: charity
Purpose: demonstrate the societal expectations and norms at the time and her character is used to explore themes of gender roles, class and societal norms - pinnacle of society - enforcing the rules, leadership- inverse relationship between rank and "class"/character
Quotes: "I would've been a great proficient if only if I had learned." "She likes to distinction of rank preserved." "I suppose you had no opportunity, your mother should've taken you into town every spring for the benefit of masters."

Adjectives: absurd, ignorant, careless, rude, unkind
Sins: pride
Virtues: prudent
Purpose: To be a foil to Darcy and to show how powerful men are in this society. Also comic relief.
Quotes: "Mr. Collins was not sensible man and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society." (66)
"The death of your daughter would have been a blessing in comparison of this." (282)

Adjectives: pride, wealthy, handsome, rude, misjudged, stoic, gentleman, fair, suspicious, taciturn, introverted, imperious, "above being pleased," stand-offish, witty, fastidious, haughty Sins: pride,
Virtues: charity, temperance, prudence, love, fortitude
Purpose: Represents pride personified, male lead attracts female readers, shows Elizabeth how she is blinded by pride and prejudice.
Exposes theme of importance of wealth, status, and society's expectations.

"She is tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me." (11)
"Yes vanity is a weakness indeed; but pride - where there is a real superiority of mind,
Pride will be always under good regulations." (54)
"Yes but that was only when I first knew her, for it has been months since I have considered her as one of the handsomest women of my acquaintance." (258)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Eng. 11 - Dec. 17

Complete all V questions for Wed. Dec. 18 - final discussion day!

SCENES: Thursday, Dec. 19

Movie: Mon/Tues, Jan.6, 7
Fishbowl: Wed. Jan. 8
In-Class Essay: Thurs. Jan. 9
MacTest: Fri. Jan. 10

FINAL EXAM: Wed. Jan. 22 - 12:50-2:55

Eng. 12 - Dec. 17

Read your entire Poetry Package. Rank the poems 1 - 10 (1 being your favourite)


FINAL EXAM - Jan. 20 - 8:30 am rm. D205

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Eng. 11 - Dec. 12

Complete IV questions for Mon. 16
Acting: Tues.

SCENES: Thursday, Dec. 19

Movie: Mon/Tues, Jan.6, 7
Fishbowl: Wed. Jan. 8
In-Class Essay: Thurs. Jan. 9
MacTest: Fri. Jan. 10

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Eng. 9 - Dec. 11

Complete questions for III i and ii for Thursday, Dec. 12

Manipulation, Jealousy, Prejudice in Othello

Bring a sheet with quotes - include Act, scene, line #
Purpose of an essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."

Make sure you are discussing what Othello shows us about human nature and the topic of the essay. Narrow your topic. Don't just give examples of existence of the topics. Feel free to look up famous quotes from secondary sources (but credit the source).

Writing Improvements, class notes


Iago: Now I will question Bianca… strumpet… beguile (IV i)
- Emilia is manipulative but doesn't really act upon it - men chew us up and belch us out (she acts on this in V, but she is killed - she faces her death when Desdemona dies
- She knows about the handkerchief in progressive degrees - she knows Iago has wanted it for a long time
"Virtue a fig" - he talks about manipulating his own mind - but he does plant seeds in other people's heads
-"gasses" people up (Roderigo)
-knows people's insecurities and plays on them
-eg when Othello says "I am rude of speech" and "I am black" "into the vale of years"
-plays on people's prejudice: "a black ram is tupping your white ewe"
-Iago does switch register when he's talking to different people - very rough with Roderigo
-terrible to Emilia (check how he treats her in front of others)
-knows Cassio can't handle his alcohol - so pressures him to drink - then sets it up so Roderigo fights him
-would Iago be able to get away with this today? - Lucas says people just need to communicate - for example, Iago is not honest
-Othello could have talked to Desdemona [but PRIDE is in the way!]
-people CAN be manipulated because of EGO and SELF DOUBT
-"the handkerchief" seems incontrovertible
- Most people don't directly confront people so openly (like on a sit-com)
- [social media often obfuscates issues]
- [interesting that Othello is seen as a hero by the Duke and other people with status - but he has so much self doubt]
- People generally do lead people astray to get what they want
- Desdemona tries to manipulate Othello in order to reinstate Cassio (or is this just influencing or giving a favour)
- Intent is important (not for the common good - think about Macbeth - kills for himself vs. Macduff leaves his family to save Scotland) - compare Iago to Macbeth and Macduff
- Did Iago intend for everyone to die?
- Happy when Othello says "I'll tear her to pieces"
- I iii 18-46 "The Turkish preparation.." - Parallelism - mislead people in order to gain


- What is Shakespeare's motive/significance of using racial prejudice - what if Othello were white - there would not be as much of an issue with Brabantio - he wouldn't be the "other," he wouldn't have the self doubt - perhaps Desdemona would not have deceived him if he were white
- Would be harder for Iago to manipulate Othello or Brabantio (look at all the animalistic words - barbary horse, "beast with two backs,")
- Brabantio used to have Othello in his house (however, it's different when it's your daughter - he would have wanted to choose a husband)
- Feminism - how is it different today? What do we see that is the same or different?
- Do we still see men controlling their wives?
- (I i 88-89) - calling Othello a "black ram" - very visual (size difference + verb)
- Black and white; dark and light - Desdemona is seen as virginal, light, pure - Othello has "ruined her" - someone says she risked so much to be with him
- Emilia says "if wives do fall" - it's the husband's fault - this is sexist for more than one reason - she's being spiteful because she's bitter about Iago - this is also why it's such an insult to be "cuckholded" - men have all the power, so if a weak woman cheats - it makes the man look doubly weak
- More status = more structure - more rules; but look at the hierarchy between the women: Bianca, Emilia, Desdemona (also a form of prejudice)
- (could compare Cassio to Othello - Cassio wide-eyed)
- Emilia doesn't defend herself when Iago treats her poorly - compare with Desdemona - defends herself against her father


- Other than Othello and Iago - who else? Roderigo was more and more jealous of Othello's relationship with Desdemona
- Brabantio is jealous that Desdemona wants to be with Othello (she's moving on, but also didn't consult him) - my daughter is leaving me - more covert jealousy
- Iago's jealousy (again - ironic, given that he warns Othello about the "green eyed monster" and also that he thinks he can tend his own "garden" - "Virtue? A fig!"
- (III iv) - jealousy is borne of itself - eats of itself
- Is every person jealous? Do we learn jealousy from people around us? Can jealousy ever be an agent of good? How can we turn jealousy into a positive force?
- Iago could have admired Cassio, but instead he tries to take him down
- Can move jealousy to motivation - but this doesn't happen in this play - interesting that Shakespeare doesn't show this for contrast (he contrasts Macbeth with Macduff; also Lady Macbeth with Lady Macduff)
- Will jealousy ever disappear?
- (thinks about how Brave New World deals with the emotion of jealousy - even in that world it still existed - Lenina wants John the Savage for herself; Bernard is jealous of all the other alphas)
- Iago is motivated by low self esteem - he cannot grasp why Cassio was promoted above him (but look at the rough way he speaks in front of superiors)
- Iago DOES make plans, whereas Othello acts in the moment
- (does everyone know Brabantio dies? - Othello, Desdemona, Emilia)
- Is Othello weak? Is Iago mentally strong? (wouldn't he be able to overcome his own jealousy)

Friday, December 6, 2019

Eng. 11 - Dec. 11

Complete questions for all of III!

Group Day: Thursday, Dec.12

SCENES: Thursday, Dec. 19

Movie: Mon/Tues, Jan.6, 7
Fishbowl: Wed. Jan. 8
In-Class Essay: Thurs. Jan. 9
MacTest: Fri. Jan. 10

Eng. 9 - Dec. 6

Complete Editing sheet and II for Monday, Dec. 9

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Eng. 12 - Dec. 5


Eng. 9 - Dec. 5

Complete all of II questions

Vocab - 35 (hint: AMSND has many modern words you may not already know!)

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Eng. 11 - Dec. 4

Complete all of I questions for The Scottish Play for Thurs. Dec. 5

We will be acting on Dec. 6 - read over your parts.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Eng. 11 - Dec. 2

Make sure your opening Scottish Play questions are completed

Complete Editing Checklist, Writing Improvements and Editing Sentences

Friday, November 29, 2019

Eng. 11 - Nov. 29

Complete opening 4 questions and I i, I ii questions

Go over your parts

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Eng. 12 - Due Dates

F. 29- Discuss III

M.2 - Acting IV/V
T. 3 - Discuss IV/V
W. 4 -
Th. 5- Soliloquies
Fr. 6 - Movie

Mon. 9 - Scenes
Tues. 10 - Final Discussion IV/V
Wed. 11 - Movie #2
Thurs. 12 - Fishbowl
Fr. 13 - Essay

Mon. 16 - Quote Test

Monday, November 25, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 25

Go over your parts for III

Make sure you understand II iii

Eng. 9 - Nov. 15

Make sure your theme sheets are completed.

Ch. 26-end of novel QQ

Wed. 27 - Diary Test
Thurs. 28 - 3 paragraphs: "My Struggle"

Friday, November 22, 2019

Lit Vocab!

Bryn reigns supreme in his fourth block Philosophy class

The other 4 "winners"

Eng.9 - Nov. 22

Writing Assignment - due Thursday, NOv. 28

Three paragraphs - introduce, middle, end. Must be from your own life.

1. A time you or someone you know overcame adversity.

2. A time you helped someone with something they were struggling with.

3. A disappointment.

4. A problem in your family.

5. A time you witnessed bullying. (Why do people bully? What makes them stop?)

Be sure to look over your writing improvements, class notes, and editing checklist

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Society, Hope, Power - Eng. 11

Bring a sheet (double sided) with quotes - NO NOTES - make sure you have page numbers

Purpose of an essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."

Strategies - could focus on how characters show theme, or how symbols show (or both)


- Patients - ashamed of people going to the hospital
- The asylum seems to be a way to keep people who are different away from mainstreams society
- "society says who is sane and who isn't"
- Example - Harding made to feel different and ashamed ["great forefinger of society"]
- Nurse Ratched tries to appeal to the rules of the institution - symbolizes society
- Patients don't care what society thinks in the end
- "Maybe there's something bigger making this mess" - the Nurse is not the problem - it's society as a whole
- What does the fishing trip symbolize about society?
- Ward is a microcosm of society
- Green jumpsuits represent conformity (movie doesn't do this)
- Big Nurse and attendants represent the Combine
- What is the Combine? - like cookie cutter - must fit in or must go away
- Would people care if McMurphy were in jail or asylum - idea that we're keeping people away from mainstream society (we generally put our mentally ill people in jail - concomitant disorders - addiction - crime)
- Who would be fine in our society? - Billy Bibbit, Harding
- Mack would probably be in jail in our society
- Mack and Big Nurse represent different parts of society
- Mack - freedom, spontaneity, rebellion
- BN - control, routine, conformity
- Schedule - would we change their schedule
- Today we treat mentally ill people much differently - we have different medication, better therapy [we still have EST, but we know what we're doing - much more specific]
- Combine - power, authority, conformity
- Society represses people who are different
- "machinery" - Chief feels everyone needs to be efficient -
- How do we know what society wants? [laws, doctors, government - people who have power]
- Social norms - change - we see that we now view gay people, First Nations people, black people, mentally ill, neuro-untypical people differently
- Chief being deaf-mute (and his trauma)


- hope and volition - connected - individualism - having self-power - see how Mack is strong - has hope and gives others more hope
-Chief is able to escape after Mack helps him
-how much do the patients trust Mack? - even after they know he takes their money - they still trust him - they feel a sense of INCLUSION
-does the Nurse affect the patients' hope
- Mack's motivation for taking men on fishing trip - to have fun - but this helps the men feel free and like men and real people - they feel like they are part of society - remind them there's an outside world that they can fit into if they have courage - also stand up to Big Nurse - the men take ownership at the gas station - Harding says "I never knew mental illness could have such power" - mentally ill people are people too
- One moment that gives everyone hope? - Mack becomes a martyr when he breaks the glass after Cheswick's death
- [picking up the control panel: "at least I tried, godamnit, at least I did that" - literally - lifting the CONTROL panel - then Chief actually escapes this way]
- Fog is the opposite of hope
- Nurse Ratched limits patients' hope [does she want to "cure" them?]
- Symbols for hope - look at Chief's improvements - seeing the dog out the window, lifting his hand to vote, killing Mack, lifting the control panel, talking
- Voting
- "they're still sick men in lots of ways, but at least they're men" - Harding - they can become part of society because they are no longer rabbits
- How does Mack's death affect the patients - it causes several of them to leave - he gives them hope
- Does Mack ever think Chief is deaf?
- Could focus on Mack
- Why does Mack stay in the hospital despite opportunities to leave - he wants to help the patients - feels responsible, attachment
- Easier to gain hope over oneself
- People with mental illness need hope in order to gain mental health

- Symbols - control panel, rabbits and wolves, cigarettes, the Combine
- "the rabbits accept their role and recognize the wolves are strong"
- Mack punches the glass - gets the cigarettes which indicate power
- When Nurse takes away the cigarettes - the patients feel less like people with volition
- Nurse's power is the establishment
- Mack - rebellions' power - friends, actions
- Nurse gains power with words
- Nurse's power is more efficient - instills fear - brings up the past, threatens
- Mack inspires Chief to break out and gain his voice and volition
- Mack is supportive
- Mack helps the patients more
- [what does it say that Mack is dead in the end]
- Nurse's power is that of society
- Mack's power is individual power
- Chief being deaf-mute - shows the lack of power Indigenous people have had historically in our society - silenced
- Mentally ill people have been silenced throughout history - powerless
- Being silent and mute is Chief's way of controlling what he hears and says - he is able to hear everything without people taking him into consideration
- Are the characters powerful or powerless?
- Mack helps the patients feel powerful [think of his handshake] - he isn't in charge of them -
- [Cheswick also dies]
- What would happen if the Nurse were a man [probably a lot less rebellion - it would seem less terrible - they don't like the black attendants either - anyone with control over them is threatening]
- Could a woman have the same kind of power as Mack? [think of the way he charms the doctor]
- How does power shift between people [think of this generally - in the world - how does politics work - how are leaders elected and how do they maintain power? How do rebellions usually work? Think of the Civil Rights movement - Malcolm X vs. Martin Luther King jr.]
- Dr. Spivey also has very little power according to Harding - affected by the Nurse's manipulations
- She uses her manipulations on the doctor as well
- When Mack says "you fooled them all" - shows Chief's power
- Patients show some form of rising volition - cigarettes, Monopoly game and fishing trip (free will and volition)
- Most do have the power to leave if they want to - voluntary

Eng. 9 - Nov. 21

Vocab - 30
Booktalks - Khush, Allie, Dylan, Emelia, Ry

Finish Reading the novel for Monday, 25
QQ 21-25: Mon. 25
QQ 26-end: Tues. 26

Diary Test: Wed. 27
Writing Assignment: Thurs. 28

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 19

Make sure I i, ii, iii are well done!

Eng. 9 - Nov. 19

Fill out your character sheet: adjectives, purpose in novel, quotes

Rowdy, Junior, Mary, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Roger, Gordy, Penelope

QQ for Ch. 17-20: Thurs. 21

Comic Strip: Thurs. 21

Monday, November 18, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 18

Complete your editing.

Make sure scene notes are completed for Othello I i, ii

Eng. 9 - Nov. 18

QQ 13- 16: T. 19

6 panel strip: Th. 21

Fill out character and theme charts

Friday, November 15, 2019

Eng. 11 - Nov. 15

Mon. 18 - Final Discussion
Tues. 19 - Movie
Wed. 20 - Movie
Thurs. 21 - Fishbowl
Fri. 22 - Essay

Tues. 26 - Test
Thurs.28 - Study for Vocab
Fri. 29 - Vocab Test

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 14

Complete Scene Notes for I i and I ii for Othello

Vocab Fest: Nov. 15

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lit. 12 - Nov. 12 - P&P Dates

Please bring $8 for Macbeth: Meena, David, Kamryn, Sarah

Tues. Nov. 12 - Start P&P 

Mon. Nov. 18 - Part I, 1-12
Fri. Nov. 22 - Vocab Fest #1

Tues. 26 - Part I, 13-23
Thurs. 28 - movie #1 - Quinn M, Lea, Suk, Amber

Mon. Dec. 2 - II 1-11
Wed. Dec. 4 - movie #2 - TP, John, James, Hellemond
Fri. Dec. 6 - Characters

Tues. Dec. 10 - II 12 - 19
Thurs. Dec. 12 - movie #3 - Madison, Emma, Jordan

Mon. Dec. 16 - III 1-10
Wed. Dec. 18 - Characters #2
Fri. Dec. 20 - Xmas Party

Mon. Jan. 6 - movie #4 - Meena, Sarah, Kamryn, Lachlan
Wed. Jan. 8 - III 11-19
Fri. Jan. 10 - movie #5, 6 - Clelia, Ghazal, Jacqueline, Lexie

Tues. Jan. 14 - #6 + discussion - Bryn, David, Ali, Brandon
Thurs. Jan. 16 - fishbowl

Mon. Jan. 20 - essay
Mon. Jan. 27 - Project
Fri. Jan. 31 - Vocab festival #2

Eng. 9 - Nov. 12

Ch. 9-12 QQ for Thurs. 14

Vocab Test: Fri. 15

Friday, November 8, 2019

Eng. 9 - Nov. 8

Complete Chapters 5-8 questions and quotes - this time answer both your questions and your quotes.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Eng. 11 - Nov. 7

For Fri. 8 - 40 Vocab words
Book Talks - Callum, Devin,

Have your quotes for your character for Tues. (Library Day)

Novel Read by Tues. 12

All questions due for Wed.13

Tues. 12 - Library/Work day
Wed. 13 - Big Discussion
Thurs. 14 - Presentation
Fri. 15 - Final Discussion/Fishbowl Topics

Mon. 18 - Movie
Tues. 19 - Movie
Wed. 20 - Fishbowl
Thurs. 21 - Essay
Fri. 22 - Test

Eng. 9 - Nov. 7

For every chapter of Diary, create your own question and answer it, and quote a significant excerpt and answer it.

Fill out character and theme squares as you go - adjectives, quotes page numbers...

Vocab: 25 words for Fri. Nov. 8

Vocab Test: Fri. Nov. 15

Booktalks: Noah, Elliot, Lucas, Cale

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Eng. 12 - Fishbowl

Purpose of an essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."
Bring a page (double-sided) quotes
*can bring outside quotes - but no notes
Sexuality, politics, scientific progress
Could non-monogamous relationships become the norm one day in our society? [extension by Huxley]
Some disagreement - we would need conditioning to switch our thinking - but we are conditioned to want monogamous
We're conditioned to only love one person [we see lots of affairs] - some families do have polyamorous relationships
MORALITY - fluid?
Our conditioning vs. their conditioning (what does "The Lottery" show us)
Promiscuity - is this the future?
Casual sex is more common and more talked about [remember that during Huxley's lifetime there were not many alternatives for birth control - the pill not invented until the late '60's]
BNW removes art, science, knowledge in order to have stability [contentment]
Keep people happy - no religion, no love, few emotions
"that is the secret to happiness and virtue - liking what you've got to do" (page?)
How are we conditioned in our society - our etiquette
Are we products of society, or are we individuals [international students should be able to see the difference between Canadians and other countries]
We are influenced by the people around us
[The Devil Wears Prada - example of what colour blue is in this season]
We have learned to love democracies rather than monarchies - other people don't know they've been conditioned [North Korea]
Philosopher: "we are not our own masters"(204-205)
We have some form of independence - we conform somewhat, but we are also different
Who starts social customs? - organic and insidious - snowball effect or butterfly effect
Does social media condition us to think the same way?
Could we be 100% conditioned across the world? [can we all agree about climate change]
There will always be Bernards, there will always be rhinoceroses
If everyone's thinking the same way - would this be utopia? - everyone has their own place
Humans created in labs - devaluing families
Are we conditioned to think viviparous births are normal [30 years ago people thought in-vitro fertilization was mad scientists behaviour]
Think about the scientific progress made in the last 30 years (your parents' lifetime)
Religion - growing up religious or choosing religion - are people being conditioned?
Truth, Beauty and Happiness
-hypnopaedia - World Controller - chooses what people believe - eg. Shocks when touching flowers
-Instagram for example - shows pictures that seem attractive
-we want to follow people who we look up to
BNW - knowledge - the World Controllers don't want the rest of the people to have - they think that knowledge and happiness don’t go together
Is this true in our world - are smart people more unhappy in our world?
Oscar Wilde quote:
"The ugly and stupid have the best of it in this world. They can sit at their ease and gape at the play. If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat. They live as we all should live-- undisturbed, indifferent, and without disquiet. They never bring ruin upon others, nor ever receive it from alien hands. Your rank and wealth, Henry; my brains, such as they are-- my art, whatever it may be worth; Dorian Gray's good looks-- we shall all suffer for what the gods have given us, suffer terribly.”

- Epsilons and Deltas are happy - even Lenina (as a Beta) is happy - are the Alphas happy?
- Having different emotions - such as sadness brings more depth to happiness
- Knowledge will lead people to death in BNW
- [notice how when a new entity enters - John & Linda - the whole order is upset - kids in the hospital, whole society, Lenina and her friends
- World Controller know the whole world isn't really happy
- Taught what to think rather than how to think - would it be bad to get rid of this
- New governments are elected - new curriculum [eg. BC wants to follow Finland - who win the PISA education rating all of the time - change away from exams to more experiential and project-based learning]
- China - restricts knowledge - internet usage [can't send emails without them being read - can't play music without getting restricted]
- History is not taught in BNW [we are being told content is no longer key in History classes]
- Patterns occur in human behaviour - not learned about in BNW
- BNW citizens do not have freedom or even understand it
- Soma vs. happiness - (what's the closest thing we have to it? - has legalization of marijuana had an effect? - are kids smoking more or less since the legalization?)
- Our world is based on emotion - there would be a great decline
- Some people would refuse to take Soma

Stable Society/Utopia_

- Could we live in a utopia?
- Most people thought one thing would change everything else
- Whatever makes us happy will always have a down side [for example, almost every medication has side effects]
- One person (at least) will be an outlier
- Eg. 1984 - one person
- Bernard + other rhinoceroses were sent to an island
- Pigs are hermetically sealed off from the world
- In the utopia - everything's perfect until one little thing goes wrong and it effects everyone
- "everyone belongs to everyone"
- "identity, stability, community" - group think - people are conditioned to like it [look at everything Lenina says]
- All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny."(12)
- We are not stable in our world - in BNW - that's the goal - not to progress
- We are programmed to never be satisfied - also instant gratification is part of our culture
- "Well I'd rather be unhappy than have the sort of false happiness you are having here."(156)
- Great quote from Huxley - perfect world is people not understanding what they're missing - a prison with no walls
- No progress - taking Soma - Pleasantville - just two roads
- John - not conditioned - interesting to see his reaction
- Making a utopia = must make sacrifices - "Happiness is a hard master, especially other people's happiness" (200) - Mustapha Mond
- Who is willing to sacrifice
- Eg. Religion is gone, love, emotion, knowledge,
- Is the point of a utopia - to not have to sacrifice anything
- Ability to feel emotions and be human
- Eg. Feelies (very symbolic of our world - look, listen, feel)
- Aren't there quite a few people in our world who don't read/think? Say things like "I don't care about politics"
- "If one's different, one's bound to be lonely" (119)
BNW doesn't have a pursuit of happiness

Monday, November 4, 2019

Eng. 11 - Nov. 4 - New Dates

Tues. 5- 16-20
Wed. 6 - 21-25
Thurs. 7 -
Fri. 8 - Finish Novel

Tues. 12 - Library Day (Group Day)
Wed. 13 - Final Discussion
Thurs. 14 - Presentations
Fri. 15 - Movie

Mon. 18 - Movie
Tues. 19 - Fishbowl
Wed. 20 - Essay
Thurs. 21 - Test

Eng. 9 - Nov. 4

Bring your GoCards to class, please!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Eng. 12 - Nov. 1

Final Discussion: Mon. 4 (have all QQ completed)

Tues. 5 - Movie #1
Thurs. 7 - Movie #2
Fri. 8 - ESSAY

Tues. 12 - PROJECT DAY!

Eng. 11 - Nov. 1

Complete all QQ + text questions for Ch. 10-12 for Monday, Nov. 4

Library Research Day: Tues. Nov. 12 *** (finish reading novel!)

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Eng. 11 - Oct. 31

Read + QQ + questions for Ch. 10-12 for Mon. 4

Lit Halloween 2019

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Eng. 9 - Oct. 30

Test - 50 marks

Literary Theory

Specific Story Questions

4 paragraphs

"The Veldt," "The Wish," "The Sea Devil," "Barney," "The Sentimentalists"

Literary Theory: setting and atmosphere, point of view,

irony, dramatic irony, situational irony, verbal irony, sarcasm, allusion, foreshadowing, first person point of view, limited omniscient point of view, omniscient point of view

PROJECTS - Thurs. 31
SS TEST # 2 - Mon. 4

Eng.11 - Oct. 30

Have Ch. 7-9 completed for Thurs. 30

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Lit 12 - Oct. 29

Sight: Nov. 4
Review: Nov. 6
Content: Nov. 7

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Eng. 11 - Oct. 24 - Dates for OFOCN

For each chapter of OFOCN, complete the handout questions and analyze the quotes for every odd chapter. For the even chapters - ask your own question and answer it and quote a significant excerpt and analyze it.

The following are due dates for the homework:

Mon. 28 - have Ch. 1-3 completed
Tues. 29 - Ch. 4-6
Wed. 30 - 7-10
Thurs. 31 - 11-14
Fri. 1 - Act out 15

Mon. 4 - 16-20
Wed. 6 - 21-25
Thurs. 7 - Library Day (Group Day)
Fri. 8 - Finish Novel

Tues. 12 - Presentations
Wed. 13 - Final Discussion
Thurs. 14 - Movie
Fri. 15 - Movie

Mon. 18 - Fishbowl
Tues. 19 - Essay
Wed. 20 - Test

Eng. 9 - Oct. 24

Read "The Sea Devil" for Tues. 29

Have "The Wish" #1-5

Sea Devil Presentation (Group Day is Tuesday!

Your presentation must:
a) Include two provocative questions that you will discuss with the class (to do with your element)
b) Contain usage of literary terms
c) Have visuals
d) Be interesting
e) Be insightful

Good marks will be awarded for innovative presentations. Make sure you can access your presentation (email it to yourself).

10 marks

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eng. 11 - Oct. 22

Finish your Editing Sentences sheet.

Bring Viewpoints back.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Eng. 12 - Oct. 21

Goal: to finish reading and discussing BNW by Friday, Nov. 1

Tues. 22 - Ch. 5/6
Wed. 23 - Ch. 7/8
Thurs. 24 - Ch. 9/10

Mon. 28 - Ch. 11/12
Tues. 29 - Ch. 13/14
Wed. 30 - Ch. 15/16
Thurs. 31 Ch. 17/18

*If the chapter is short, then you can do 1xQQ, but generally 2xQQ will serve you better.

Take notes on character and theme as well.

Eng. 9 - Oct. 21

Finish Correcting Sentences

Re-read "The Sentimentalists" and review and add to your answers.

***making bacon pancakes


We will meet at Pedro's Cafe (at the start of Granville Island - east side) at 9:00. I'd advise figuring out which sea bus to take. It is better to transit, as parking is hard to find.

Our first session is at Performance Works - we will head over at 9:40 - we must be there as a group - there are no tickets (you have to be with me).

The second session starts at 1:00 and is at the Revue Stage - be there at 12:45.

Bring money for lunch (which is from 11:30-12:45)

You may also want to have some cash to buy books as the authors sign books at their events. There is also a bookstore with Writers' Fest books.

If anything weird happens, please Message me on Facebook Messenger. Have at least one contact from class as well.

See you there!

Lit 12 - Oct. 21

We won't be having class until Thursday this week due to university day. Make sure your "Paul's Case" QQ and #2,3,4,5,10 are completed. I'm going to postpone the Content Essay until Nov. 8 in order to have one last class on any of the short stories.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Eng. 12 - Oct. 17

Ch. 3 & 4 - 2xQQ per chapter

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Eng. 11 - Oct. 16

Finish your Sentence Correction sheets

Make sure you've filled out your blue sheets and green sheets.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Eng. 9 - Oct. 15

Make sure questions #1-5 are complete for Oct. 16

Friday, October 11, 2019

Eng. 11 - Oct. 11 - Studying for Tests

Content Test

Make sure you can analyze all seven elements: setting and atmosphere, conflict, character, point of view, theme, irony, and symbolism in all seven stories: "Hills Like White Elephants," "A Lady's Beaded Bag," "We Have to Sit Opposite," "A Hunger Artist," "A Serious Talk," "Sunday in the Park," and "The Blue Bouquet."

There will be 10 marks of fill-in-the-blank: author's names, literary element notes
10 marks literary elements + stories - short answers

7 paragraphs - one element for each short story

One will be a quote analysis

55 marks

Sight Reading - you read a story in class and answer questions on the elements of fiction.

Make sure you know all seven elements for "The Blue Bouquet."

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Eng. 12 - Oct. 10

For Tues. 15 - Read first two chapters of BNW - ask 2 QQ per chapter - concentrating on character and theme

Eng. 11 - Oct. 10

Read "The Blue Bouquet"

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Eng. 9 - Oct. 9

Write a three paragraph composition on one of the following:

a) The generation gap and technology
b) The influence of technology on people today:


Due: Tuesday, Oct. 16

Read article. Underline interesting facts and things you agree or disagree with.

Lit 12 - Oct. 9

Read "The Destructors" - QQ + text #1,4.5,6,8

Pick your story

DUE DATES: Presentations: Oct. 29/31

Sight Reading: Nov. 4
Content: Nov. 6

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Eng. 11 - Oct. 8

For Thursday's Class - Read "Sunday in the Park" (in Viewpoints)

Ask a question and answer it
Quote a significant excerpt and explain its significance

Using literary language, write paragraphs on conflict, point of view and theme

Monday, October 7, 2019

Eng. 11 - Oct. 7

Make sure your "Hunger Artist" questions are fully and well done!

Eng. 9 - Oct. 7

Make sure your "Veldt" questions are fully complete!

Make sure you have your top three sentences for Setting and Atmosphere

People who missed their tests must write Tuesday after school

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Eng. 12 - Oct. 3


Bring essay questions to Monday's class.

Eng. 11 - Oct. 3



Make sure your "Hunger Artist" questions are completed

"Serious Talk" essays are due Monday, Oct. 7

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Eng. 11 - Oct. 2

Write a five paragraph essay on the symbolism of "A Serious Talk"

-use quotes for support
- pay attention to your personal and class feedback

- what, for example, do the symbols show us about relationships

Monday, September 30, 2019

Eng. 11 - Sept. 30

Make sure you've filled out your WRITING IMPROVEMENTS and your EDITING CHECKLIST

Complete your Editing (Sentence Correction) sheet

Eng. 9 - Sept. 30

Short Story Test #1: Thurs. Oct. 3

"Wish You Were Here"
"The Father"
"Parsley Garden"
"The Witch"

Short Story Experience
Plot and Conflict

Literary Terms:escapist, interpretive, satire, suspense, static, round, flat, dynamic, stereotype, protagonist, antagonist, antecedent action, epiphany, character vs. self, character vs. character, character vs. environment (internal, external, moral, physical, psychological, emotional), theme

Authors' Names

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Eng. 9 - Sept. 26

Explore Kids: make sure you've finished all your writing, editing, writing improvement, semi colon and sentence sheets.

Read "The Witch" - have questions #1-5 completed

10 vocab words

Lit 12 - Sept. 26

Read "Just Lather That's All" for Wed. Oct. 2 - QQ + 4 text questions of your choice (debate Thursday)

Come with story choices to Friday's (Sept. 27) class

Mon. Sept. 30 - we will go over your "Lottery" essays

PRESENTATIONS: T.Oct. 29 and Th. Oct. 31


Eng. 11 - Sept. 26

Read "A Serious Talk" - questions for Friday

20 Vocab for Friday

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Eng. 12 - Sept. 25

Complete #7 for "The Lottery"

Read "Paul's Case" QQ, text #2,3,4,5,10 for Mon. 30

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Eng.12 - Sept. 24

"The Lottery" QQ - your choice of 4 text questions

Eng. 11 - Sept. 24

Write a literary paragraph, using CONFLICT language about the CONFLICT of "We Have to Sit Opposite."

Monday, September 23, 2019

Eng. 12 - Look Ahead (Sept. 23)

Complete Editing Sheet (and Guess Who Wrote This)

Read "The Lottery" for Wed. 25
Read "Paul's Case" for Mon. 30

VOCAB FEST: Fri. Sept. 27



Thursday, September 19, 2019

Read and answer questions for "We Have to Sit Opposite" for Monday, Sept. 23

ESSAY DUE: Monday, Sept. 23

Eng. 9 - Sept. 19-27

For Monday, Sept. 23: "The Parsley Garden" #1-5

Mon. 23: We will be going over "Someone Changed" and learning about sentence structure - what makes good writing? Notes and worksheet

Tues. 24: Top 3 sentences on Plot and Conflict, define: character vs. character, character vs. self, character vs. society; discussion of "The Parsley Garden," apologies

Wed. 25: Top 3 sentences for Theme, Read "The Witch" #1-5

Thurs. 26: Themes for "The Witch" - rules of Theme making

Fri. 27: Booktalks - Carson, Sean, Diego; 10 vocab words; TBA

* check the blog before you come back to class to see if anything changed

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Eng. 12 - Sept. 18

Read "Just Lather, That's All"

Do QQ and your choice of 4 text questions

Lit. 12 - Sept. 18

In-class essay: Monday, Sept. 23

Do NOT look at the internet

A copy of the story will be provided to you.

Eng. 11 - Sept. 18

For Monday: Write a 5 paragraph, thesis-driven essay on the theme of "A Lady's Beaded Bag"

Consult your ESSAY PACKAGE - I'm looking for well integrated quotes and a thoughtful, well connected piece of writing


Monday, September 16, 2019

Eng. 12 - Sept. 16

Read and do QQ for "Rockinghorse Winner"

text #3,4,5,6

Eng. 9 - Sept. 16

Explore Kids: define antagonist, protagonist, exposition and antecedent action on literary terms sheet


Lit 12 - Sept. 16

For Wednesday: Read "The Lottery" - do question and quote, text - your choice of four questions

For Monday, Sept. 23: In-class essay on "The Lottery"

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Eng. 12 - Sept. 12

Make sure you have looked at your answers for "The Destructors" -reassess!

In-class essay: Friday, Sept. 13

Eng. 11 - Sept. 12

Theme notes (for those who missed)

10 vocab words

For Monday: Read "A Lady's Beaded Bag, complete questions and debate chart

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Eng. 9 - Sept. 11

For Thursday: Read "The Father" - do questions #1-5

Top 3 sentences for character

Define: static, dynamic, flat, round, stereotype

For Friday: 5 Vocab

Someone Changed writing assignment

Booktalks: Diane, Madelyn, Charlotte, Lauren

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Lit 12 - Sept. 10

Read "Dead Men's Path" (920), QQ + Study and Discussion Questions

Eng. 12 - Sept. 10

Read "The Destructors" QQ, text #1,4,5, 6

Eng. 9 - Sept. 10

"Someone Changed"

3 paragraphs describing your first impression of someone changed over time.

Use pen (not pencil), or type
Correct grammar
Interesting (draw reader in)

Due: Friday, Sept. 13

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Eng. 12 - Sept. 5

Read "The Japanese Quince" (79)

Do your question and quote (answer both)

Pick any 4 questions in text and answer them FULLY (paragraphs)

Eng. 11 - Sept. 5

Questions #1-7 for "Hills Like White Elephants"

Don't talk to anyone (including the internet) about this story.

Eng. 9 - Sept. 5

Top 3 Sentences for "The Story Experience"

Read "Wish You Were Here" - questions #1-5

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Lit 12 - Sept. 4

Read "The Japanese Quince" (1082)
Do your question and quote
Comment on The Analysis (1086)

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Eng. 9 - June 12

All grade nines - work your way through the WHOLE poetry package before the exam - try to identify as many literary devices as you can - try to figure out the meaning

For Friday, June 14 - do questions, quotes and literary devices for:

block 2: "Negro Mother," "Notes on a Commercial Theatre," "Nikki Rosa," "Funeral Blues," "Democracy," "The Road Not Taken"

block 3: "killer," "Negro Mother," "Funeral Blues," "Democracy," "Nikki Rosa," "Warren Pryor"

Eng. 11 - June 12

Complete questions for "Say Word," "My Father Knew," "My Papa's Waltz," and "The Attitude"

block 1 - we will not be having a another class before the exam (after Friday), so work through all the poems in the package - try to find literary devices in each poem - work through the orange sheet - try to find examples of every device.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Eng. 9 - June 10

Anyone who missed the Vocab Test: Wednesday after school

Studying for English Exams

English 11

Final Exam:

editing - find the mistake in the sentences - study your editing sheets and your sentence corrections - class feedback for writing, punctuation notes.

poetry - review poetic devices - make sure you understand "How to Read a Poem" - practice by going over poems we didn't study in the package - be familiar with all poetic devices

prose - review elements of short fiction (7 sets of notes)

writing - go over your essays, essay notes, essay package and writing improvements - make a note of my individual advice

get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast and/or lunch

block 1 - Mon. June 17 - 12:50
block 4 - Wed. June 19 - 8:30

English 9

Same as above, except for the editing section - choosing correct sentences - finding grammatical mistakes.

block 2 - Tues. June. 18 - 12:50
block 3 - Wed. June. 19 - 12:50

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Ambition, Morality, Fate

Bring a sheet with quotes - include Act, scene, line #
Purpose of an essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."

Make sure you are discussing what The Scottish Play shows us about human nature and the topic of the essay.

Writing Improvements, class notes

- Is it a good quality?
- Self-awareness is key
- Thane has excessive ambition
- He takes it too far ["art not without ambition, but without the illness to attend it" (I v 16-18)]
- If morals are not being followed - maybe ambition is too much
- Lady impacts the Thane's ambition
- Does ambition influence our society's structure
- Witches controlling Thane's ambition? Using the prophecies.
- Can ambition overpower destiny?
- At the beginning the Lady says her husband has ambition, but he's not ruthless
- Why doesn't Banquo fixate on his prophecy - decides not to cross the moral line [doesn't say this in the prophecy - it's muted because it's his sons that will benefit, not himself]
- Who's more ambitious? The Lady pushes her ambition onto the Thane [but women have no recourse for their actions]
- He stops telling her about his plans - at the beginning the Lady is more ambitious, at the end it's her husband
- The Thane keeps going - too far in "I am too stepped in blood" (III iv)
- I iv 50-55 "stars hide your fires/let not light see my deep and dark desires"
- "I have almost forgot the taste of fears" (V iii) [shows where ambition has led him]
- Each time someone does a bad thing, it becomes much easier each successive time
- Why does the Thane continue to kill - first to gain the power, then to be able to keep it
- [why does the Thane kill Banquo?]
- [how does ambition tie in with fate?]
- Is Macduff ambitious? - he restores order to Scotland
- [common good vs. self-interest]
- Ambition can be used for good - Macduff IS the Thane's nemesis, but also character foil
- Killing Duncan = ambition too much [think of I vii soliloquy and his list of reasons not to kill the king]
- How else could the Thane become king?
- The Thane becomes ruthless because of the Lady questioning his manhood [also could be the reason he kills Banquo]
- Does the Thane's ambition cost him his life?
- [what does this play tell us about ambition in our world? Generally?]
- Does the Thane have "deep desires" before the prophesy [we all do] - he very quickly succumbs to the idea of becoming king - we all think about the next step - "my thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical/ Shakes so my single state of man…"(I iii 140)
- Greed and ambition are closely relate


- What is the shift in the Thane's morals - he goes from moral to immoral
- At the beginning - we can see his morals in his soliloquy I vii - 12 reasons not to kill the king - we can see his priorities
- "hereafter" - at some point - the witches do not give a time limit - why does the Thane immediately think of killing the king [don't we all have bad thoughts? Isn't morality not giving into temptation?]
- [do we all have a moral code - is everyone's different? Can we not agree on the common good?]
- When he hears he's going to become king he says, "whose horrid image doth unfix my hair" (I iii 135)
- Lady is complicit in the murder - but not fully culpable - he thinks about it ahead of time
- The Thane is related to Duncan [he is surprised that Malcolm is named Prince of Cumberland - somehow it's not completely a given that Malcolm be the prince, or possibly the king]
- What would have happened if the Lady killed the king? [interesting question - the guilt may not have overwhelmed him - killing has an effect on a person - "I am in blood stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more. Returning were as tedious as go over." (III iv 136-138)
- Wants to die "with a harness on his back" he could have died "on his sword" - this is part of his moral code
- Does the Lady have good morals? [has to call on the dark spirits - then can't even kill the king - later can't get the smell of blood out of her hands - sleep walking]
- Why do they switch?
- [so many references to men and women - "unsex me here" "bring forth men children only/ For thy undaunted mettle should compose/ Nothing but males" (I vii 72)
- In III iv when the Lady attacks his masculinity, he talks about the fact that he is a man, and "a bold one"
- The dagger and the ghost of Banquo - symbolize Mac's guilt
- The Thane sending murderers - weak? Morality disintegrating. [the court system is harsher for premeditated murder, and "organized crime]
- Witches represent our inner demons - it can grow or be squelched
- "instruments of darkness" - Banquo says this I iii
- [what factors relate to morality]


- Does the Thane kill because of the prophecies?
His fate would probably have been different if he didn't hear them - [the journ

Eng. 11 - June 4

- Loyalty is valued -Duncan rewards the Thane immediately - as soon as he finds out how he fought for him
- Malcolm says "nothing in his life became him like the leaving it" (I iv 7, 8)- talking about MacDonwald and his traitorous behaviour


- Witches plant idea of fate in the Thane's head
- They don't tell him how to become king - he takes the most outrageous route
- Would he still have become king "without his stir" (I iii)
- Wouldn't Malcolm have become king? He is named Prince of Cumberland
- [Fleance does not become king - 1 of 6 prophecies does not come true]
- Hecate did not want the witches to consort with the Thane ["How did [they] dare/To trade and traffic with Macbeth/In riddles and affairs of death" (III v 4-6)]
- Fate does not say how to attain destiny
- The Thane becomes delusional and myopic with the second set of prophecies
- [why does he rush fate]
- [he tries, unsuccessfully, to control fate]
- Killing Duncan changes their fate
- Finding out one's fate makes it unnatural - knowing what was going to happened made him rush it and take drastic action
- Doesn't take second set of prophecies as seriously - people want to listen to good news, not bad news - talks about the Thane becoming vanquished
- Any other people's fates? What about the lady's
- How is Banquo changed or not changed after hearing his prophecy?
- Would the Lady have killed herself if they never heard the prophecy?
- Why does the Thane feel the sense of urgency?
- [to what extent do we believe in fate]
- [her fate is to feel the guilt - could not "stop up the access and passage to remorse" (I v)]
- The Thane sees the faces of Banquo's progeny in IV I
- [FLEANCE DOES NOT BECOME KING - Banquo is patient, but then he does get murdered]
- Would the Thane have become king "without his stir"?
- can we change our fate?
- We all know we will die at some time
- Series of events (journey, not the outcome)
- What is inevitable here?
Freewill vs. destiny

Monday, June 3, 2019

Eng. 11 - June 3 - Studying for MacTest

How to Study for the MacTest:

- make sure you understand the dramatic terms and the structure of the play
- make sure you know each character and the plot points of the play
- study your questions
-write down what you think are the major/important quotes in the play, consider their significance, who says them and what's going on - 25 marks are devoted to this - test your friends and study together!

Breakdown - 5 marks dramatic terms
15 marks - plot/short answers
10 marks - character
25 marks - quotes - identify, tell the circumstance and the significance
15 marks - 3 paragraphs (one about the movie) - larger concerns

TOTAL: 70 marks

Eng. 9 - June 3

Block 2 and Block 3 - V i

Have IV ii and V i questions finished for Tuesday, June 4

Friday, May 31, 2019

Eng. 9 - May 31

BIG NEWS: Project due date: Thurs. 6

Vocab Test: Fri. 7

AMSND Test: Mon.10

FINAL EXAM: Tues. 18: 12:50 - block 2

Wed. 19: 12:50 - block 3

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Eng. 9 - May 28

Complete III ii and IV i questions for Wed. May 29

Movie: May 30 (first half) - explore kids can try to watch any version online - we're watching

Eng. 11 - May 29

Complete IV/V questions for Wednesday, May 29 (Last Discussion Day!)

SCENES: Fri. May 31
Movie: Thurs. May 30/Mon. 3
ESSAY: Wed. 5
TEST: Thurs. 6

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Eng. 9 - Pics


block 2 vs. block 3

Eng. 11 - May 22

Complete all of III for Thurs. 23

Group Day: Fri. 24

SCENES: Thurs. 30
Movie: Fri. 31/Mon. 3
ESSAY: Wed. 5
TEST: Thurs. 6

Friday, May 17, 2019

Eng. 11 - May 17

Complete all of II questions

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Eng. 11 - May 16

Block 4 - Sentence Corrections

Eng. 9 - May 16

Puck, Oberon, Helena, Demetrius, Titania and Fairy: II i

Costuming Credits: Charlie

Complete questions for I i, ii, II i for Fri. 17
Vocab: 40 words

Booktalks: Gemma, Hailey, Raegan, Shijie

Block 3: Brandon, Spencer, Kelly

The Builders!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Eng. 11 - May 13

Complete all of Act I questions for Tues. May 14

Friday, May 10, 2019

Eng. 11 - May 10

block 1 - complete I i, ii, iii, iv questions for Mon. 13

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Grade Elevens who miss the test or essay:

You must have an excused absence.

Rewrite time: Tuesday, May 7 after school.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Power, Societal Expectations, Equity/Gender Roles

Bring a sheet with quotes - include page numbers
Purpose of an essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."

Make sure you are discussing what One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest shows us about human nature and the topic of the essay.

Society's Expectations

l Pressure isn't just in the ward - it's in society (165/192)
l "maybe it's more than the nurse"
l "the great voice of many chanting shame"
l Harding is an excellent example of societal pressure - he's in the institution because he's gay
l He has anxiety from society's pressure
l He got married because of society's expectations (also affects Harding's wife)
l Harding wanted to conform to society's expectations
l Harding would be entirely different if he lived in today's society (would he develop anxiety? Being gay is much more accepted - we have gay marriage)
l Nurse Ratched - would she be as controlling today? This is set in 1950's - she had to push her dominance because of the situation - she has to prove her power
l Gender roles is a part of societal expectations - the female characters are dominant - the men seem weaker and reserved (Mack wants to dominate)
l Sex workers are "good" in this novel = no power
l Novel told from a man's point of view - women are seen negatively (Chief's mother and BN are similar)
l Is the BN bad? EST was seen as a medical procedure - much of what she does could be argued to be therapeutic
l BN does belittle the patients and threatens them
l Good intentions?
l (symbols?)
l BN = product of her time
l Expectations of women at that time = gentle and submissive (like the "Little Nurse") - she appears cold, cruel and calculating
l Harding believes he's sick (until the end) because of society
l Social anxiety is stigmatized in that society - today it's normalized and accepted - we have many different ways to help anxiety now
l "society decides who's san and insane"
l Society had much less understanding of mental illness in the 1950's - this ignorance led to institutions (think of how we used to treat people with mental disabilities - people with Autism used to be institutionalized)
l Should individualism be more valued than conformity? (an age-old question) - BN represents society/Mack represents freedom or counter-culture - Mack may have too much individuality
l Community is also important
l Mack is dead at the end and the Nurse lives on (what does this say?)
l (Billy Bibbit) - how would he be treated today
l Was every person influenced by society?


l Will BN continue to be dominating into the future? - she may be a little more demure after the assault and Billy Bibbit's death (also what does it say about society that she's left with her job after two people died and someone escapes?)
l BN may notice that she is the constant in this equation
l Does BN enjoy her power?
l BN was an army nurse before
l Who had more power? The Nurse of Mack?
l (what is the nature of power? How do people gain and maintain power? We could write a handbook about how to gain power from this novel)
l BN abuses her power by using the lobotomy as punishment
l Mack is not as powerful as BN - he is more dominant
l Mack has a huge impact - people left of their own accord
l BN giving Mack a lobotomy is her admitting defeat
l (remember to expand vision beyond this novel - this novel informs us about our world)
l Mack is able to challenge the nurse
l What makes someone powerful? Mack becomes powerful when he does what the nurse says (example)
l Standing tall - (penguin in a storm) = power
l Chief says (174) "He was giving in. That's the smart thing to do." (This is just Mack's temporary response to finding out he's committed before Cheswick commits suicide)
l BN gains power by taking things away
l (how do people gain power in this novel? Harding, Chief, even Billy)
l (when Mack first enters the novel, he gives a surge of power to Chief)
l Mack teaches others they have autonomy, agency
l Mack's charm is wrapped up in negative - cigarettes, betting, sex workers, alcohol [but fishing is positive - also some of these symbolize autonomy]
l (personal autonomy does sometimes include hedonistic activities)
l (male nurse = power would be very different - would be even more physical)
l Mack's laugh = symbol (a change is coming!)

Equity - Gender Roles/Race

- "How does one go about showing a woman who's boss, I mean other than laughing at her" (66)
- Mack could not handle being controlled by a woman
- Nurse compensates for being minority
- BN exerts her power in this job (how else would a woman get power in this time?)
- Dr. Spivey - authority figure - he is supportive of patients (but doesn't go against the nurse)
- 1950's - women were expected to be housewives - BN is in a position of authority
- Gender expectations - society expects men and women to act a certain way - Harding's wife talks about men who flip their wrists and have long hair
- Harding signed out of mental ward - what might happen in the future? Would they conform to society's norms?
- Harding may come out - wife would no longer be his "beard"
- How does Mack show his masculinity? - fishing, sex workers, alcohol, betting, smoking, challenging the nurse, coming out in his underwear/towel
- Fishing trip - women are seen as objects "whores"
- (interesting that the sex workers make the men feel more manly)
- Society's norms: women are more submissive; BN being more dominant = emasculating
- "women whup them down and they can't laugh anymore" - point by Mack - idea that women in power make men weak
- BN's old uniform - does not show her shape - new uniform does - what is the significance?
- Kesey's purpose of novel:
- Is Kesey sexist? Or are the characters? Or does Kesey represent the time?
- (Chief is traumatized by his mother's treatment of his father)
- In the novel - black men and a white women are in charge and the white males are oppressed (interesting point!)
- White government takes Indigenous land - Chief's father doesn't fight it - this is why Chief doesn't want Mack to fight - he saw his dad lose against the power structure
- This novel empowered a movement with Indigenous people of America
- Power is addictive
- Title - Chief says the rhyme

Eng. 9 - May 1

Come up with two major questions for the entire novel for Th. 2

25-30: Th. 2

Diary Test block 2: Tues. 7
block 3: Wed. 8

Power, Fear, Societal Expectations (block 1 - Eng 11)

Don't forget to check your Writing Improvements and Class Notes about writing

Bring a sheet with quotes - include page numbers
Purpose of an essay: "Looking at the text as a work of art, demonstrating clear critical judgment and explaining to the reader of your essay how the enjoyment of the text is assisted by literary devices, linguistic effects and psychological insights; showing how the text relates to the time when it was written and how it relates to our world today."

Make sure you are discussing what One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest shows us about human nature and the topic of the essay.


l Types of power: manipulation of the Big Nurse - eg. Bringing up Billy's mom at the end
l Symbols: control panel - represents institutions - Chief escapes
l Gender: Mack ripping uniform off
l -setting - women didn't really have power in the time of the novel - even now women don't have power - Big Nurse has to use so many tools in order to maintain power
l Mack being a man - uses his masculinity
l Mack taking more power over ward - could be his charisma (along with manhood)
l Nurse does abuse her power
l Who won? - in the end, BN practically kills Mack - she rolls him into the ward to show him after the lobotomy to tell patients not to mess with him
l Schedule - all Acutes voted for the baseball game - Chronics need the schedule
l BN - OCD demands schedules
l Mack enters novel wanting to have control on the ward
l Mack's confidence - fishing trip - (what other masculine attributes)
l Eg. "One of his friends made her shut up real good" - this is a threat - scare tactic
l Nurse uses her words as power
l Mack - punches the glass - uses his physical self (but he also cajoles the doctor by being buddy-buddy)
l Nurse has the hospital administrator on side
l (what is revealed about the Nature of Power - how do people attain and maintain power?)
l (like a political campaign)
l Nurse keeps her cool almost all of the time
l Chief has no power through most of the novel - he's in the fog - does everything (except when he's supposed to be shaved)
l Why is the control panel so powerful?
l Chief throwing the control panel - showing something about society and institutions in general (freedom)
l The Combine - how much power - (society is The Combine) - made Chief's dad lose his power
l Fog is powerful for Chief
l The Combine is the most powerful ("I think it's more than just the Nurse")


l Every person in the novel has a fear
l Fear of the Big Nurse greater, or fear of The Combine (The Big Nurse represents The Combine)
l Is the Nurse instilling fear, fair in her eyes?
l Is the Nurse enforcing the rules or making them up arbitrarily?
l Threats, shock therapy, lobotomy
l (manipulates their problems with mental health)
l Is BN a threat?
l Shock therapy for going off track is severe
l Fear of society (Harding, Billy)
l Patients who are there voluntarily - The Combine decides who's sane and who isn't
l The Combine fears the patients (they are different)
l (is this true in our society?)
l (how does fear work in our society?)
l (how does Mack combat their fear?)
l Fear creates a lack of volition
l Patients are afraid to stand up for themselves (that's why Chief raising his hand is so important)
l Mack shows them they don't have to be rabbits (remember Harding's quote - "we're men now"
l Mack comes in and sings and laughs - different power dynamic makes patients less fearful
l What are Mack's fears?
l Does Mack assault the Nurse out of fear or revenge?
l Does Mack feel responsible for Billy's death? Is this why he assaults the Nurse
l Nurse uses the patients' fear - gives her more power
l Mack isn't really punished for the breaking of the glass (how many times?)
l "just like they're working on you" - Chief talks about The Combine - he doesn't want Mack to fight the system - he saw his dad lose against the government (his defining moment - beginning of psychosis)
l What are Mack's fears - he originally thinks he has a 3 month sentence - then he fears not being let out of the hospital
l Mood swings - boisterous - then quiet
l "He opens up his nostrils and sucks up fear from the ward" - referring to the attendant when Chief is in the closet
l Chief thinks the institution senses their fear with mechanical equipment
l (how much of the patients' lives is run by fear? Chief starts off too fearful for anything - speaking - putting up his hand - any self power)
l Nurse has fears of not listening "You're under the jurisdiction of me"
l "That's one fear hiding behind another" - Chief likes the power of Mack - helps him get rid of his fear
l (what is Harding afraid of?)
l (could you focus on your one character?)
l (how are you going to organize your essay)
l Mack isn't afraid of the Nurse - this gives the patients confidence
l Cheswick kills himself after he gains confidence
l "it feels safe" referring to the fog - he's in his own head - he thinks it's physical

Societal Expectations

l All three topics over lap - societal expectations cause fear - power comes as a result of the fear or lack of fear
l Expectations of the nurse (same as The Combine - which is our society)
l The Combine is like the mill - what the general populace thinks normal is
l The truth of life is that no one is normal
l Harding is only there because of what society thinks
l People like to fit in
l Chief is afraid of The Combine "society is in charge of who's sane and who isn't" "it's our job to measure up"
l Nurse is able to portray normality
l "wolves and rabbits" (is Mack a rabbit or a wolf) - Nurse is a wolf - power figure
l Cheswick thinks he's a wolf
l Bad to be a rabbit - society says
l (at the end of the novel Harding says "they're men now" - near the end of the novel
l Wolves want people to be rabbits so they can tell them what to do
l Patients consider themselves lesser rabbits
l Patients feel changed by the end of the novel
l Mack giving patients confidence - he says "you're no crazier than the average… walking around on the streets"
l Voluntary patients checked out at the end
l What's the main goal of keeping patients in the hospital? (cure or keep them away from society - this is similar to jail question)
l Characters change and progress throughout the novel
l Patients don't learn regular ways to interact - institution does not seem to help patients re-enter society - they seems quarantined
l Mack - doesn't follow conventions of society - family? Sleeping with underage girls
l What does Mack do to change the culture of the institution?
l Stand out too much - get cut down (Mack gets a lobotomy)
l How much have things changed since this novel was published
l BN - frightens people to keep the ward under control (opinion)
l Cutting out pieces of their brain - genuine medical practice or retribution
l Expectation of the Nurse - she can cure the patients (1950's or earlier psychological knowledge = very limited)
l Intent to cure - or maintain at a certain level
l Chronics need to be there - acutes are there because of society's expectations
l (look at Billy and Harding - what would we do now?)
l (is Chief actually cured? Can you cure schizophrenia with friendship?)
l Expectations of men versus women - Mack fits the role of masculinity (angry, buff, counter-culture)
l Men in the ward are mostly very unmanly (Billy - 32 year old virgin who worries about what his mom thinks)
l Harding most "normal" - only real reason he's in the hospital is because he's gay and doesn't conform to society
l Nurse - does not conform to society's norm
l No women's ward in the novel - are women in institutions?
l Disrespect towards women - normal in society - Candy - they are seen as objects

Monday, April 29, 2019

Eng. 9 - April 29

Ch. 21-24: Tues. 30

25-30: Th. 2

Diary Test block 2: Tues. 7
block 3: Wed. 8

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Eng. 9 - April 24

Write a three paragraph composition discussing something you personally have struggled with and overcome (to some extent).

-double space, size 12 font
-indent paragraphs
-look over your editing notes and your Writing Improvements

Due Monday, April 29

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Eng. 9 - April 23

COMIC: Wed.24

Complete QQ for Ch. 17-20 - Thurs.25

Fill out Character Sheets

Vocab: Fri. 26

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Eng. 9 - April 18

Complete the QQ for Ch. 13-16 for Tues.23

Comic: Wed. 24

Fill out character sheets

Vocab -

Eng. 11 - April 18

Make sure you have your quotes of symptoms for your character for Tuesday's class!

Library Day: Tues. 23
Presentation: Th. 25

Movie: Mon. 29/Tues. 30
Fishbowl: Wed.May 1
In-class: Th. May 2
Test: F. May 3

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Eng. 9 - April 17

6 panel comic: Wed. 24 (20 marks)

-do not use the sheet I gave you - this is a rough copy
-effort and presentation count
-inspiration: page 88 (don't make the topic the same)
-something you struggle with

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Eng. 11 - April 16

Vocab Test: Th. 18

Library Day: Tues. 23
Presentation: Th. 25

Movie: Mon. 29/Tues. 30
Fishbowl: Wed.May 1
In-class: Th. May 2
Test: F. May 3

Eng. 9 - April 16

Complete Chapters 9-12 - Question and Quote

Work on character and theme sheets

Monday, April 15, 2019

Eng. 11 - April 15

Complete Ch. 22-24 for Tues. 16

Vocab Test: Th. April 18

Finish Reading Novel: Tues. 23

Library Day: Tues. 23

Group Presentations: Th. 25

April 15 - Eng. 9

Make sure you're all caught up with QQ for Ch. 1-8.

Work on your character and theme sheets.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Eng. 9 - April 10

Complete questions and quotes for Ch. 1-4 for Diary

Monday, April 8, 2019

Eng. 11 - April 8

Have Ch. 11-15 completed for Wednesday, April 10


For those who missed today's test, you may make it up after school tomorrow (Tuesday, April 9)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Eng. 11- April 4

7-10- Mon. 8
11-15 -

22-24 - Mon.15

Vocab Test: Thurs.18

Group/Independent Presentations

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Eng. 9 - SS Test #2

Monday, April 8

The stories: "The Veldt," "The Sentimentalists," "The Crooked Man" (block 2), "The Sea Devil" (block 3), "The Wish" and "Barney"

The new elements: Point of View and Setting and Atmosphere

Literary Devices: allusion, escapist literature, interpretive literature

You must be able to apply knowledge of literary technique (theme, character, conflict) to these stories.

Eng. 11 - OFOCN Dates

1-3 - W. 3
4-6 - Th. 4
7-10- Fri. 5

11-15 - Mon. 8

22-24 - Mon.15

Monday, April 1, 2019

Eng. 9 - April 1

"The Wish" #1-5 - Tues. 2
Projects: Wed. 3

Vocab Test: Fri. 5
Short Story Test #2: Mon. 8

Friday, March 15, 2019


1. Did you inform your teacher ahead of time that you had a planned absence?

If so, the make-up time for these tests is Tuesday, April 2 after school.

Students who were ill may attend this session as well.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Eng. 11 - March 12

Read "The Blue Bouquet"

Monday, March 11, 2019

Eng. 9 - March 11 - Group Presentation

In groups of three or four, discuss one element of " " You will thoroughly discuss one of conflict, setting and atmosphere, theme, character, or point of view.

You will present your ideas using power point or prezi. You will have one class in the library to prepare.

Your presentation must:
a) Include two provocative questions that you will discuss with the class (to do with your element)
b) Contain usage of literary terms
c) Have visuals
d) Be interesting
e) Be insightful

Good marks will be awarded for innovative presentations.

Eng. 11 - March 11 - How to Study for the Sight Test and Content Test

Sight Reading - you will be reading a story and answering 6 paragraph answers on any of the seven elements and how they work in the story. To prepare - do very well on your presentations (and listen to others). Study your notes on the elements and know how to use the terms. You must make 5 points to earn 5 marks per paragraph.

Content Test - know all seven stories and how the seven elements work in each one. 10 marks for fill in the blank (author's names, element notes, literary devices) 10 marks- examples and definitions of literary terms/elements; 30 marks - paragraph answers on devices and how they apply to the stories; 5 marks - the significance of a quote.

To study: go over your notes, think of each element and how it applies to each story. Phone a friend a test each other.

The stories we have studied: "Hills Like White Elephants," "A Lady's Beaded Bag," "We Have to Sit Opposite," "A Serious Talk," "1955," "Sunday in the Park," and "The Blue Bouquet."

Element Notes: Setting and Atmosphere, Conflict, Symbol, Irony, Character, Theme and Point of View

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Eng. 9 - March 7

block 2 - read "The Crooked Man" for Monday

block 3 - read "The Sea Devil" for Monday

Have 20 vocab words for Friday.

Group Day: Monday, March, 11
Group Presentation: March 13

SS Project: Wed. April 3

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Eng. 11 - March 5

Group Day: Thursday, March 7

Presentations: Mon. March 11, Tues. March 12

Sight Reading Test: Thursday March 14
Content Test: Friday, March 15

For Wednesday's class: Write one question for "Sunday in the Park" and answer it

Quote a significant excerpt and analyze it.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Eng. 9 - March 4

Have #1-5 for "The Sentimentalists" completed

Eng. 11 - March 4

Read "Sunday in the Park" (in textbook)


Group Day: Thurs. March 7

Friday, March 1, 2019

Eng. 9 - March 1

Technology Assignment

Top 3 sentences for Point of View

Define: First Person, Limited Omniscient, Omniscient

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Eng. 9 - Feb. 28

Make sure you have 15 vocabulary words all together


Write a three paragraph composition discussing the pros and cons of technology. You may use examples from your personal life, school and society. You may focus on just one of the three, or all three. It is better if you can focus more (one type of technology?)

You may refer to "The Veldt"

Make sure you look at your Editing Checklist, your Writing Improvements and the feedback for the class.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Eng. 9 - Feb. 27

Make sure #1-5 for "The Veldt" is completed

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Eng. 11 - Feb. 26

Make sure your questions for "1955" are completed.

SHORT STORY PRESENTATIONS: Mon., March 11 and Tues. March 12
CONTENT TEST: Thurs. March 14

Eng. 9 - Feb. 26

Top 3 sentences for Setting and Atmosphere (p. 89)


Read "The Veldt"

Monday, February 25, 2019

Eng. 9 - Feb. 25 - Anyone who missed the test

Make-up Time: Tuesday, Feb. 26 after school.

Eng. 11 - Feb. 25

Read "1955" (You'll get time to work on questions tomorrow)

SHORT STORY PRESENTATIONS: Mon., March 11 and Tues. March 12
CONTENT TEST: Thurs. March 14

Friday, February 22, 2019

Eng. 9 - What to study for Short Story Test #1

Study the authors names and all the points for the stories: "Wish You Were Here," "The Father," "The Parsley Garden, and "The Witch"

Make sure you know the notes for The Story Experience, Plot and Conflict, Character, and Theme

Make sure you know how to define and apply the following terms: suspense, mystery, foreshadowing, character, round, flat, stereotype, static, dynamic, protagonist, antagonist, exposition, antecedent action, epiphany, character vs. character, character vs. self, character vs. environment, internal, external, theme

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Eng. 11 - Feb. 21

Write a 5 paragraph, thesis-driven essay on the symbolism of "A
Serious Talk."

l What do these symbols say about Vera and Burt's relationship
l How do these symbols reveal theme

-3 or more symbols
-one symbol
-think of different ways to organize your essay

► Use your Writing Improvements sheet
► Use your Editing sheet
► Essay package
► Quote sheet

Serious Assignment

Write a five paragraph, thesis d riven essay on the symbolism in "A Serious Talk" by Raymond Carver

• Pay attention to the feedback I gave you from your last essay (Editing Sheets, Writing Improvements, Essay feedback)
• Go over Symbolism notes
• Make sure you have quotes to support your argument (integrate properly)
• Could write about just one symbol or more than one (think about what your points are going to be)

DO NOT LOOK AT THE INTERNET: higher marks go to those who support their original thinking

Due: Mon. Feb. 25

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Eng. 111 - Feb. 20

block 1 - make sure your questions for "A Serious Talk" are completed

Eng. 9 - Feb. 20

Have questions #1-5 for "The Witch" completed

Vocab - 10 in total

Booktalkers for Friday: block 2 - Reid, Emma, Rowan

Block 3 - Alex, Lochlan, Ella

Eng. 11 - Feb. 19

Complete your Sentence Edits, Editing Checklist and Writing Improvements

Eng. 9 - Feb. 19

Top three sentences on THEME

Thematic statement for "Parsley Garden"

Read "The Witch"


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Eng. 11 - Feb. 14

block 4: "A Serious Talk": complete questions for Wednesday, Feb. 20

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Eng.11 - Feb. 13

Block 1 - Complete all questions for "We Have to Sit Opposite"

Eng. 9 - Feb. 13

Complete questions #1-5 for "The Parsley Garden" p.79

Monday, February 11, 2019

Eng. 9 - Feb. 11

Finish your "Sentence Correction" sheet!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Eng. 9 - Feb. 8

Class Vocab, Top three sentences on PLOT and CONFLICT, define literary terms: conflict, character vs. character, character vs. self, character vs. environment

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Eng. 11 - Feb. 7

Write a five paragraph, thesis driven essay on the theme of "A Lady's Beaded Bag."

J Make sure you use quotes for support
J A good title
J First and last name
J Double space/
J Good grammar and punctuation
J Original thinking

Due: Monday, Feb. 11

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Eng. 9 - Feb. 6

Literary devices of Feb. 5 & 6: character, flat, round, dynamic, static, stereotype, protagonist, antagonist, exposition, antecedent action

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Eng. 11 - Feb. 5

Complete your debate chart for "A Lady's Beaded Bag" - Is the trashpicker sane? - Fill out both sides of the argument.

Complete all six questions.

Eng. 9 - Feb. 5

Have your questions for "The Father" completed (#1-5)

Monday, February 4, 2019

Eng. 9 - Feb. 4

Top 3 sentences on CHARACTER (p.58)

Read "The Father"

Have your composition: "Someone Changed" completed for Tues. 5



Friday, February 1, 2019

Eng. 9 - Feb. 1

3 paragraphs describing how your first impression of someone changed over time.

Use pen (not pencil), or type
Correct grammar
Interesting (draw reader in)
Double space

Due Tuesday, Feb. 5

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Eng. 11 - Jan. 30

Read and complete questions for "Hills Like White Elephants" - do not consult with anyone (or the internet)

Eng. 9 - Jan. 30

Read and take notes on "The Story Experience"

Read and do questions for "Wish You Were Here" #1-5

Make sure you write FULL sentences for the answers (English is about good, clear writing - not writing the least amount possible)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

WRITING 12 - Last Class

Our last class will be in D202

Friday, January 18, 2019

Eng. 12

Do a question and quote and identify literary devices for the following poems:

"When You Are Old"
"Love: A Study in Black and White"
"No Hidden Meanings"
"Kindly Unhitch That Star, Buddy"

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Lit 12 - Jan. 16

Prepare "Dulce et Decorum Est" - (QQ, author notes, text questions, literary devices)
and "The Second Coming" for Thurs. 17

"The Hollow Men" for Fri. 18

Adventures of English Literature

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Eng. 12/ Lit 12 - Jan. 10

Don't forget to TYPE your essays. Attach both peer editing sheets to your essays! (The ones pertaining to YOUR essay!)

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Lit Xmas Books 2018

Lit Picks from 2018
A Man Called Ove- Frederick Backman
Catch a Falling Star – Kim Culbertson
They Both Die at the End – Adam Silvera
Tomboy Survival Guide – ivan e coyote
Scar Tissue- Anthony Kiedis
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle – Haruki Murakami
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – J.K. Rowling
Six of Crows - Leigh B. Ardugo
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda – Becky Albertalli
Me Before You - Jojo Moyes
Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
Six of Crows- Leigh Bardugo
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
Sold - Patricia McCormick
Looking for Alaska – John Green
The Pact – Jodi Picoult
An Astronaut’s Guide to Life – Chris Hadfield
And Then There Were None – Agatha Christie
I’ll Give you the Sun - Jandy Nelson
Hitman Anders and the Meaning of it All – Jonas Jonasson

Eng. 12 / Lit 12 - Jan. 9

Have all three essays ready for peer editing Thursday

Topic: Dreams Take Us on Journeys

Poem: "Digging"

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Eng 12/Lit 12 Provincial Exam Link + Topic #2

It is Important to Learn from the Past

Poem: "Channel Firing"

Monday, January 7, 2019

Eng. 12/Lit 12

Topic: "Simple Gifts are the Best"

Complete "Because I Could Not Stop for Death"