Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Eng. 12 - Dec. 18

Read and take notes on the following poems:


2."Mending Wall"

3."When You Are Old"

4."Kindly Unhitch That Star"

5."Crowed Over"


2] 1."Love: A Study in Black and White"

2. "The Negro Speaks of Rivers"

3. "Bored"

4. "The Snowman"

5. "Sad Daughter"

3. Write 2 questions and answer them.
4. Write 2 quotes and analyze them.
5. Use your poetic devices sheet to try to identify as many different examples of devices as you can. Quote the examples and explain their use. Try to find an example for all the devices that are more challenging such as litote, metonymy, synecdoche…
6. Comment on what you like and do not like about the poems.
7. What is the overall meaning/impression of the poem?

Personal Essay Due: Friday, Jan. 10
Final Exam: Mon, Jan. 20 - 8:30-10:25 *

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