Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Eng. 11 - Fishbowl notes


  • Physical, mental, political
  • Nature of power
  • Make people do what you want them to do with their consent (reminds us of "Hills like White Elephants")

  • Power changes: witches, Lady, the Thane…
  • Autonomy (self power)
  • Witches tempt the Thane
  • Use his weakness (so does the Lady)" are you a man?" I vii
  • What kind of power does the Lady have? (the movie says sexuality, she uses his own sexuality against him - is she like Big Nurse?) - different kind of power?
  • Hecate has power over the witches III vi?
  • How does power change people?  (the Thane in particular)
  • Outside quote: "Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Edmund Burke?
  • *the Thane seeks the witches out in IV i
  • Thane uses violence - dies
  • Lady questions manhood - commits suicide

Other kinds of power: Duncan, Malcolm, Macduff

  • *** don't moralize or just list
  • The Thane didn't EARN his kingship: "now does he feel his title hang loose about him like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief" (V ii 20, 21)

  • Can mortals change fate?  Not according to this play - if someone changes his own fate, that becomes his fate
  • Are fate and God the same thing?
  • Changing the "natural order" - the Great Chain of Being = UNNATURAL.

Betrayal and Loyalty

  • First thing - MacDonwald betrays Duncan - gives the Thane a new territory - at first the Thane is loyal to Duncan (see I vii speech - why Thane doesn't want to kill Duncan)
  • What does the Thane prioritize?
  • Duncan believes in the Thane (he is a trusting king)
  • Is Macduff loyal?
  • The Lady betrays her femininity (I v : "unsex me here" speech)

  • Would the Thane have betrayed Duncan had he not met the witches?
  • "the ends justifies the means"
  • Compare Macduff and the Thane

 -* does the Lady betray her husband (he abandons her, but she defends him at the banquet, doesn't tell anyone, went insane)

  • Lady took the easy way out by killing herself
  • She gave away their secrets in Act V scene 1 - sleepwalking scene

All the ways the Thane betrays: revealed in I v
  • "he's here in double trust…"
  • The Thane kills his army buddy (Banquo)
  • Loyalty "If you shall cleave to my consent, when 'tis it shall make honour for you" (II ii 24, 25)

-Macduff chooses his country (greater good) over loyalty for his family - people in the military are supposed to choose the country (and the king - one and the same) over self-interest (ambition or even family)
  • Macduff's son is loyal to his father even though his mother calls Macduff a traitor

  • The witches betray themselves (Hecate is mad) - they are supposed to stay away from humans, betray the Thane by "equivocating" in IV i  - they are "fiends" that "lie like the truth" (V v 43, 44)

  • Thane hates disloyalty - threatens servants in Act V - he's afraid (says in I vii 9,10
  • ) that people will pay him back: "but we teach the bloody instructions, which, being taught, return to plague the inventor"


 - witches, Banquo's ghost, hallucinations (dagger), idea of fate, Hecate, apparitions
  • Witches symbolize - fate, temptation
  • Witches plant idea in head without actually telling the Thane to murder
  • "instruments of darkness" (I iii 124) - Banquo identifies them as such
  • People can't resist knowing their future
  • People tend to live in the future, rather than the present
  • Banquo doesn't act on his prophesy
  • How people respond to "life's fitful fever" shows character
  • The Thane whole-heartedly believes the second set of prophecies - doesn't question them (hubris, but also beholden to them)
  • What does the Thane going back to the witches show us about him?
  • Human nature
  • The Thane does everything himself he's responsibleB
  • "belief in the supernatural is not necessary, men are quite capable of their own wickedness" - Joseph Conrad
  • More guilt = more dependence on witches - gets himself in too deep
  • Do the witches represent the devil?
  • Fate can be changed - Fleance does not become king

  • Lady's blood (hallucination) - symbolizes guilt

Guilt, ambition and how fate works through these qualities
Pride, morality, autonomy,

** can pick a sub topic and see how it works with any of these topics.

-other than the first instance, the Thane is fearful before the supernatural appears

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