Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Eng. 11 - Due Dates

IV questions - Thurs. 24
V questions - Fri. 25

Scenes -Monday,  May 28
Movie -Tus./Wed. May 29/30
Fishbowl - Thurs., May 31
In-Class Essay - Fri., June 1

Test - Mon., June 4

Lit 12 - Due Dates

T. 24 - "Apostrophe to the Ocean"
F. 25 - "Ode to the West Wind"

M. 28 "Wind"/"Nightingale"
T. 29 - "Nightingale"/"Fears"
T. 31 - "Ulysses"
F. 1 - "Ulysses"/"Song"/"Sonnet 43"

M. 4 -- "Dover Beach"/ Victorian Notes Romantic Poetry Essay due
T. 5 - "Darkling Thrush"/"My Last Duchess"
W.6 - "Pretty"/ "Disembarking"
T.7 -  "Gentle"/ Decide on Fishbowl topics/Student Choice Awards
F.8 - Review of 4 Modern Poems

T. 12 - Fishbowl - 3 topics
W. 13 - Games/ Relays
T.14 - Provincials/Studying Cue Cards
F. 15 - Goodbye/ Bard on the Beach

Friday, May 18, 2012

Writing 12 - May 18

Record an "overheard conversation"

Eng. 11 - May 18

Have all of III finished for Tues. May 22

Scenes: May 28

Lit 12 - May 18

Have 2 x QQ for "Rime" as well as the text questions.  Pay attention to the supernatural, colours, theme and symbolism.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lit 12 - May 14/15

Take notes on the Romantic Period.

Prepare "The World is Too Much with Us" and "The World Leaps Up"

Friday, May 11, 2012

Eng. 11 - May 11

Have all of II questions finished.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lit 12 - May 10

Have "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" prepared (2XQQ + text + author notes + devices)

We will be working in groups all of Friday in order to prepare for a PRESENTATION on Monday, May 14.

Make sure you have your ESSAY TOPICS for your final essay due May 28

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eng. 11 - May 8

Make sure all questions for Act I are completed for Wednesday.

Lit 12 - May 8

Prepare: "To a Mouse," "The Tyger," and "The Lamb"

Literary Terms: colloquial language, dialect, aphorism, trochee, trochaic tetrameter, rhetorical question

People who were away: "Transitional Poets Notes"

Question: What is positive about the tiger and what is negative about the lamb?