Monday, April 27, 2020

Lit 12 - May 27-May 1

Tuesday, April 28 - we will be going over your personal essays and getting into groups for "The Hollow Men." Thursday, April 30 - we will be presenting out group findings of "The Hollow Men."

Next week "The Second Coming" and "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night."

Eng. 12 - April 27-May 1

This week we will be finishing the novel - had our discussion on the final chapters + some themes. Final BNW class is on Thursday, April 30 at 11:00. Groups will present (much like last week). Next week...OTHELLO!

Eng. 11 - April 27- May 1 and beyond...

This week we will be reading Ch. 15 aloud (Tuesday, April 28) and discussing Ch. 15-20 on Friday. Make sure you are taking notes on the different characters - what symptoms are they showing? We will be having a character discussion (in groups) on Tuesday, May 5. Discussing Ch. 21-26 on Thursday, May 7. Symbol discussion on Mon. May 11. Final Chapter + themes on May 14. We'll be wrapping up the novel Tues. May 19.

Eng. 9 - April 27-May 1

We will be discussing characters on Tuesday,m April 28 - so make sure you have some notes - I have your groups under "Class Notebook" under "character" - I will be giving time for you to collaborate. On Thursday, April 30, we will be discussing Ch. 13-18. Make sure you have posted your Q&Q and remember to answer other people's by Wednesday morning. Continue to read on and do your own QQ, with the idea that we will be discussing 19-24 on Thursday, May 7. Comic strips are due Tuesday, May 5 at 11:00 when we will share.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Eng. 11 - April 20-24

This week we will be discussing Ch. 7-14 on Thursday at 2:00 (will always be our class time). Make sure you have your own QQ for each chapter (combine Ch.11-14 as they are very short), then post a Q or Q and answer someone else's. Make sure you are taking notes on Symbol, Theme, and Character, as we will be having assignments on those at a later date. Next Tuesday (April 28) we will be reading aloud Ch.15 with people taking roles. I will post a sign up page at a later date. It's important for you to post your QQ's at least a day ahead of our discussion, as I take our class discussion QQ's from you. See you Thursday!

Eng. 9 - April 20-24

Hi all - make sure you're ready for our class on Wednesday at 10:00 by doing your QQ for Ch. 7-12 and posting, then check the "Class Notebook" on Tuesday to see what questions your group is responsible for. I can't create the QQ until you post!

This week I would like you to read Ch.13-18 and do your QQ (I combined Ch.13&14 because they are so short).
We will discuss these on Tuesday, April 28 at 11:00.

Please do your own QQ in your personal notebook, then post one question or a quote in the channel. Answer someone else's question or quote per chapter. In your own notebook, take notes on different characters and themes - we will be collaborating on these at a later date.

Lit 12 - April 20-24

Discuss "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" - Tues. 1:00

Discuss "Dulce et Decorum Est" - Thurs. 10:00

Make sure you post your QQ for "Dulce" by Wed am, so I can make up the discussion questions - text questions too.

Next week it's "The Hollow Men" and "Second Coming"

Eng. 12 - April 20-24

We will be having a discussion today at 11:00 on chapters 11-14. This week, I will expect you to read and post for the final chapters of this novel (15-18). We will also have a class on Thursday this week at 11:00 where groups will collaborate on comparing the BNW, Our world (us), and the Reservation. We'll talk about that today. Instead of a final essay, we will be doing a presentation. We'll talk about that in class today and I will post the assignment in Teams.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Eng. 9 - April 14-17

Hi all - I hope you had a good Easter weekend!  It's time to get going with this novel, everyone!  I'm assigning chapters 5-12 (including 12) for Friday, April 17.  Please do your own QQ in your personal notebook, then post one question or a quote in the channel.  Answer someone else's question or quote per chapter.  In your own notebook, take notes on different characters and themes - we will be collaborating on these at a later date. For now, I am scheduling our first class discussion on Friday at 11:00 am.  We will be discussing chapters 1-6 - looking forward to seeing you!

Eng. 11 - April 14-17

Hi everyone!  I noticed I did not assign a due date for the first 6 chapters!  I wanted them to be done for today - but did not say this anywhere.
  Whoops. So I have scheduled our first discussion for the novel for Thursday at 1:00.  Have those chapters completed by then.  Please complete up to and including Chapter 9 for Monday, April 20. 

Eng. 12 - April 14-April 17

Hi all,this week I'll expect Chapters 11-14 to be read.  Do your own 2QQ and answer them in your notebooks.  Post one QQ on the channels and answer one each of someone else's.  I would love if you would reply to people's answers.  Also, I appreciate the people who have posted their book talks and character memes - please post if you haven't already.  I would also like you to collaborate on the characters I've assigned you in the "class notebook."  See you at one!

We'll be finishing the novel next week!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Eng. 12 - April 6- 9

Hi all,

I'm happy to see many of you posting in Teams!

We will be going a little more slowly as we become more accustomed to using this platform. So far I'm asking you to complete 2xQQ in your notebook per chapter, answering your own questions and quotes. THEN post ONE question and quote per chapter in the appropriate channels. Then answer at least ONE question and ONE quote of your class-mates. I encourage you to respond to your responses to have a genuine discussion.

For this week complete chapters 7-10 - both in your own notebooks and in the channels.

Keep separate notes on theme and characters. We will soon be collaborating on these topics. Also, keep thinking about how the BNW, the reservation and our world compare on different topics such as religion, science, sexuality, education, family, government...

CHALLENGE assignment: Create an original meme of one of the characters and post it in the meme channel. Here is one meme generator site: (if you have a better one, use that).

Email me or PM me in Teams if you have any concerns.

Stay safe!

Eng. 11 - April 6-9

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well!

It's time to get started. Normally, I would assign 10 chapters a week of this 28 chapter novel, but things being what they are, we will slow it down. Let's try to get six chapters under your belt by Thursday. If you are struggling, please email or PM me through MS chats. I hope you have all accessed MS Teams.

1. Please look at the channel "Before you start the novel" and post some answers to share. Once some people have answered, you can chime in and comment on other people's. I will comment after most of the class has commented.

2. Start asking your own question and quote for each chapter in your own notebook. You can actually use an online notebook (which only you and I can see), or just your normal notebook. Make sure you answer your own questions and quotes.

3. Next, post EITHER a question or a quote in the correct channel. Then answer one of your class-mate's. You may comment on more than one person's; you may also respond to people's answers to your own.

4. Keep separate pages in your notebook for symbols, characters, and themes. We will collaborate on those at a later date.

Lit 12 - April 6 - 17

Hi all!  I hope you are well! We will start writing PERSONAL essays this week and the next. If you look under "class notebook" I have given you some pointers on what some of the differences are between PERSONAL and LITERARY/EXPOSITORY essays.  Over the next week or so, I would like you to write for 45 minutes each on the following topics: 1) Simple gifts are the best.  2) It's important to learn from the past.  3) Dreams Take Us on Journeys. These topics are intentionally dull (from old provincials) - it is important that you make them colourful and unique.  First brainstorm the pedestrian responses and then mine your personal life.  Anyone who took Writing 12 knows more about personal essays if you want to ask Meena, Ghazal, Jacqueline, or Madison.  By Thursday of next week, I would like you to type up one of your responses and have it peer-edited by two class-mates. I'm going to put a poll up which you can like (whether or not you want me to choose your peer editors).  For Friday, April 17 you can hand your essay in under "assignments," and I will give you feedback. Cool news - I'm going to join your Lit 12 discussions from time to time!

Eng. 9 - April 6 - April 9

Hi everyone,

I see most people have accessed MS Teams! Good for you! Normally I would assign 4 chapters of the novel every two days or so, but since things are different, I'm slowing it down for now. This week I would like you to ask a question or quote for each chapter and answer it in your own notebook. Four chapters by Thursday. There is a function on MS Teams to have your own online notebook that only you and I can see, but you can use your regular notebook. Your choice. I would like you to post one question OR quote under the channel discussion. Then answer one question or a quote of a class-mate's. You may add to other people's answers and comment on people's answers to your own. I also said for you to have a separate page for characters and themes. These instructions are under our "general" discussion.

I hope everyone is well.

Special challenge: start a pandemic journal. Your first entry might comment on how you're feeling, how things are different, what you miss, what you've been doing...

Friday, April 3, 2020

How to Access Your Outlook (School) Email (desktop) (mobile)

Hi Everyone,

I will be sending a class-wide email to the email addresses the school has (mostly your parents), this is to tell you that you need to access your student email through Outlook. Most teachers will be using MS Teams in order to continue your courses, so you need to figure out how that works. Thanks to my grade 12's for starting their discussions.

I will continue to post on the blog for overviews, but all classwork will take place on MS Teams. We will start off slowly to get the hang of it. Please email me: if you are having trouble.

Stay safe!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Eng. 12 - April 1

Hi everyone,

I will be setting up a discussion board on MS Teams soon. For now, continue reading BNW, asking 2 questions and answering them, and writing 2 quotes and discussing their significance per chapter. Take notes on character and theme (make sure you are citing the pages for quotes).

You will receive instructions for the discussion board soon.

English 11 - April 1

I will be setting up a discussion board in MS Teams soon, you will hear more instructions. For now, answer the following questions:

1. Discuss what you know about the plight of First Nations people - in Canada and the States. What are some differences?

2. Make a list of strong women - famous or otherwise from any time frame.

3. How do we view people with mental health issues in 2019 versus 50 or 60 years ago?

4. What do you know about the sixties?

Then start reading One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest - ask one question and answer it and quote something significant and answer it for each chapter. Take notes on Symbol, Character and Theme.